CS177/477 C++ Programming
Fall 1999


10:30 to 11:20, MWF


SH115 (For the first four or five weeks, the Friday session will be spent in the J. Mack Adams lab. SH118.)


C++ Program Design, by Cohoon and Davidson, 2nd. edition, published by McGraw Hill, 1998. The definitive guide to C++ is The C++ Programming Language (2nd. edition), by Bjarne Stroustrup, who designed the language. While not essential for this course, this book is useful if you are going to use C++ for applications programming later. A useful reference book is the C/C++ Programmer's Reference, by Herbert Schildt, published by Osborne, 1997.

Lab assignments:

1: Compile and run a program

2: Arithmetic expressions and simple input-otuput

3: Turning tasks into methods

4. The bouncing ball

5. Counting characters

6. The Wood-screw Inventory

7. Bignum, part 1

8. Bignum, part 2

9. Moving Squares

Graduate project (*HINTS*)

Handouts you will find useful:

For a review of topics discussed in class, follow these links:

Check your grade with the grade checker.

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