A Summary of Standard I/O for C++


ostream, istream, iostream are declared in the header file iostream.h.

They inherit common functions fom the class ios.


cout, cerr, clog are instances of ostream.

cin is an instance of istream.

insertion into an output stream

cout << n;

n can be any base type, or a pointer to char (for string output)

insertions can be chained:

cout << n << p << q;

format flags

cout and cin contain several single-bit flags for format control. They are named in an enum in class ios as:

ios::skipws     // skips whitspace on input
ios::left       // left justification
ios::right      // right justifiction
ios::internal   // pads after sign or base character
ios::dec        // decimal format for integers
ios::oct        // octal format for integers
ios::hex        // hex format for integers
ios::showbase   // show the base character for octal or hex
ios::showpoint  // show the decimal point for all floats
ios::uppercase  // uppercase A-F for hex
ios::showpos    // show +ve sign for numbers
ios::scientific // use exponential notation
ios::fixed      // used oridnary decimal notation
ios::unitbuf    // flush the buffer

There are also three combination fields:

ios::basefield    = ios::dec | ios::oct | ios::hex
ios::adjustfield  = ios::left | ios::right | ios::internal
ios::floatfield   = ios::scientific | ios::fixed

These flags can be set with the member function setf. e.g.


They can be or'd together:

cout.setf(ios::showpos | ios::uppercase);

or some bits can be unset while one is being set:

cout.setf(ios::oct, ios::dec | ios::oct | ios::hex);

This sets the bit for oct, after unsetting the bits for oct, dec and hex, ensuring that only one of the bits is turned on.

unsetf turns bits off:


field width


or, using a manipulator:

cout << setw(20);

These only change the width for the next item output only.

fill character



cout << setfill('0');


cout.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);


The format of floats can be set by:

cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);

and the number of decimal places by:



cout << setprecision(2);

extraction from an input stream

cin >> n;

n can be any base type, or a pointer to char (for string input). Whitespace characers (blank, newline, tab) are ignored if they precede input, and the first whitespace charcter after the input is used a stopper - it is not read, but is left for the next attempted input. Extractions can be chained:

cin >> n >> p >> q;

Also the function get can be used to read any character, including whitespace


extraction of strings

Strings can be input teminated by whitespace, or limited by using width. e.g.

char s[21];
cin >> s;

Also, get can be used:

char s[21];
cin.get(s, 20);

end of file

When extraction fails to read a value from the input stream, the eof flag in cin is set. A typical way to handle this is:

int n;
cin >> n;
while (!cin.eof())
  cin >> n;

errors on input

If an unexpected character is encountered or end-of-file occurs, then the stream is in a failure state and can be tested by:

if (cin.fail()) ...

Another way to do the same thing is to use the stream itself, converted to an integer:

if (!cin) ...

This is the same as using the fail function.