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meta_attribute(+Name, +Handlers)

Declares the variable attribute Name with the corresponding handlers
List or nil.


This predicate is used to declare a variable attribute and/or the corresponding handlers. The Name is usually the name of module where this attribute is being defined and used. The unqualified use of attributed variables, i.e. terms in the form VarAttr is allowed only in modules which have a defined attribute name, otherwise the qualified usage VarName:Attr is required.

The Handlers argument specifies a list of handler predicates for several built-in operations which require user-defined actions whenever an attributed variable is encountered. The list contains elements in the form Operation:Pred, where Operation is the predefined name of the built-in operation and Pred is the handler predicate specification. The handler definition module is assumed to be the module in which meta_attribute/2 is being called; another module can be specified by using the tool body predicate meta_attribute_body/3. When true/0 is specified as the handler or when no handler for a particular operation is specified, this operation will ignore this extension. If the extension Name already exists, the specified handlers are updated, the non-specified ones remain.

The call meta_attribute(Name, []) can be used as a preliminary declaration of a particular attribute, e.g. to compile a module part before the actual declaration is called, or when processing separate files that belong to a particular module.

The meta_attribute/2 predicate is sensitive to the flag debug_compile. If it is on, the calls to the local handlers will be traceable (and slower), if it is off, it will be the opposite. All specified handlers will be exported from their definition module.

The predefined operations and the corresponding handler arguments are the following:


Operation : unification

Handler : handler(+Term, ?Attribute)

Description : The handler for the usual unification. Term is the term that was unified with the attributed variable, it is either a nonvariable or an attributed variable. Attribute is directly the contents of the attribute slot corresponding to the extension, i.e. it is not the whole attributed variable. When this handler is invoked, the attributed variable is already bound to Term.

If an attributed variable is unified with a standard variable, the variable is bound to the attributed variable and no handlers are invoked. If an attributed variable is unified with another attributed variable or a non-variable, the attributed variable is bound (like a standard variable) to the other term and all handlers for the unify operation are invoked. Note that several attributed variable bindings can occur e.g. during a head unification and also during a single unification of compound terms. The handlers are only invoked at certain trigger points (usually before the next predicate call).


Operation : unification test

Handler : handler(+Term, ?Attribute)

Description : The handler for the unification which is not supposed to trigger constraints propagation. It is used e.g. in the not_unify/2 predicate. The handler arguments are equivalent to those of the unification handler, Term is the term that was unified with the attributed variable, Attribute is the attribute of this extension. During the execution of the handler the attributed variable is bound to Term, however when all local handlers succeed, all bindings are undone.


Operation : instance and variant tests

Handler : handler(-Res, ?TermL, ?TermR)

Description : The handler for the variant/2, instance/2 and other instance-testing predicates. The handler arguments are similar to those of the compare_instances/3 predicate: Res is the relation between the two terms TermL and TermR, it can be either = or < (the handler might directly fail if the result is >). All bindings made in the handler will be undone after processing the local handlers.


Operation : copying an attributed variable

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, ?Var)

Description : The handler for the copy_term/2 predicate. AttrVar is the attributed variable encountered in the copied term, Var is its corresponding variable in the copy. All extension handlers receive the same arguments. This means that if the attributed variable should be copied as an attributed variable, the handler must check if Var is still a free variable or if it was already bound to an attributed variable by a previous handler.


Operation : querying number of suspended goals of a variable

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, -GoalsNumber)

Description : The handler for the delayed_goals_number/2 predicate. AttrVar is the attributed variable encountered in the predicate. The handler is supposed to return the number of all suspended goals in this attribute.


Operation : get information about numeric variable bounds

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, -Lwb, -Upb)

Description : The handler for the get_var_bounds/3 predicate. The handler should only be defined if the attribute contains information about numeric bounds. The handler is only invoked if the variable has the corresponding (non-empty) attribute. The handler should bind Lwb and Upb to numbers (any numeric type) reflecting the attribute's information about lower and upper bound of the variable, respectively. If different attributes return different bounds information, get_var_bounds/3 will return the narrowest ones.


Operation : impose new bounds on an attributed variable

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, +Lwb, +Upb)

Description : The handler for the set_var_bounds/3 predicate. The handler should only be defined if the attribute can incorporate information about numeric variable bounds. The handler is only invoked if the variable has the corresponding (non-empty) attribute. Lwb and Upb are the numbers that were passed to set_var_bounds/3, and the handler is expected to update its own bounds representation accordingly.


Operation : querying suspensions attached to a variable

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, -ListOfSuspLists, -Tail)

Description : The handler for the suspensions/2 predicate. AttrVar is an attributed variable. The handler should bind ListOfSuspLists to a list containing all the attribute's suspension lists and ending with Tail.


Operation : printing the attribute

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, -Attribute)

Description : Printing the attribute in printf/2, 3 when the m option is specified. AttrVar is the attributed variable being printed, Attribute is the term which will be printed as a value for this attribute, qualified by the attribute name. If no handler is specified for an attribute, or the print handler fails, the attribute will not be printed. If there is only one attribute with an associated print handler, the attribute value is not qualified with the attribute name.

The following handlers are still supported for compatibility, but their use is not recommended:

Operation : querying suspended goals of a variable (obsolete)

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, ?Goals, -GoalsTail)

Description : The handler for the delayed_goals/2 predicate. AttrVar is the attributed variable encountered in the predicate. The handler is supposed to create a difference list of all goals in the suspended lists for this attribute. This handler should not be used anymore, define a suspensions-handler instead.


Operation : pre-unification notification (compatibility only)

Handler : handler(?AttrVar, +Term)

Description : The handler is invoked before unification. The first argument is the attributed variable to be unified, the second argument is the term it is going to be unified with. This handler is provided only for compatibility with SICStus Prolog and its use is not recommended, because it is less efficient than the unify handler and because its semantics is somewhat unclear, there may be cases where changes inside this handler may have unexpected effects.

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
The arguments are not ground.
(5) type error
The first argument is not an atom or the second one is not a list in the required format.
(6) out of range
The specified operation is not implemented or the handler arity is wrong.


[eclipse 5]: write(X{a}).
undefined metaterm attribute in trans_meta_in(X, _g370, eclipse)
syntax error : in source transformation
| write(X{a}).
|             ^ here
[eclipse 6]: meta_attribute(eclipse, []).

[eclipse 7]: printf("%QPMw", X{a}).
X{suspend : _g386 , a}
X = X

See Also

not_unify / 2, instance / 2, variant / 2, compare_instances / 3, copy_term / 2, delayed_goals_number / 2, delayed_goals / 2, set_var_bounds / 3, get_var_bounds / 3, printf / 2, printf / 3, suspensions / 2, add_attribute / 2