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get_var_bounds(?Var, ?Lower, ?Upper)

Retrieve bounds of a numeric variable in a generic way
Variable or number.
Float or variable.
Float or variable.


This predicate is intended to be used on attributed variables that have a numeric domain. The bound information is collected from the variable's attributes via their get_bounds-handlers. If several attributes contain bound information, the results are intersected to produce the tightest bound information available.

The bounds are always returned as floating point numbers, regardless of any integrality constraint on the variable.


(5) type error
Var is not a variable or number


    [eclipse 1]: lib(fd), lib(ic).

    [eclipse 2]: ic:(X::3.0..9.0), fd:(X::1..7), get_var_bounds(X,L,U).
    X = X{ic : 3.0..9.0, fd:[1..7]}
    L = 3.0
    U = 7.0
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    [eclipse 3]: get_var_bounds(X,L,U).
    X = X
    L = -1.0Inf
    U = 1.0Inf

    [eclipse 4]: get_var_bounds(5,L,U).
    L = 5.0
    U = 5.0

    [eclipse 5]: get_var_bounds(a,L,U).
    type error in get_var_bounds(a, L, U)

See Also

set_var_bounds / 3