
Current Research

Currently looking into Knowledge Reasoning in Groups from the perspective of reasoning about action and change in the form of Action Theories. (put another way, I'm looking at multi-agent planning and how we can tie beliefs/knowledge into it)

Recently I've also looked into the JASON framework/interpreter and done some work incorporating planning and action languages with it. Also, I've done some work with encoding Agent-based frameworks - in particular 'Game bots' for Starcraft.

My main interest is in the interaction of distributed things, so distributed systems stuff and ad-hoc network stuff peeks my interest every once and a while as well. The really cool part though is the reasoning.

In the past I've done some Knowledge Representation stuff dealing with Phylogeny and a very little bit of research pertaining to Proteomics. Some parts of Bioinformatics problems I find interesting, but most of it I feel is up to the actual Biologist and/or Chemist to work on.... My interest wains quickly when I'm starting to actually learn stuff about biology/chemistry. Abstract out the problem, then I'll look at it.

I also am starting to have a growing interest in Teaching and Education for both CS and AI and in general. How do we teach reasoning? How can we make programming classes more discussion based? So I'm looking into thinks like Computational Thinking and inquiry-based learning.

My current research survey list can be found on Mendeley here and my current code repository is located: here

The code for the AI bot for Starcraft I worked on can be found here. It is a Multi-Agent Framework for doing an 'AI bot' for the Real-Time Stragety Game StarCraft: Broodwar (it should be considered an 'in progress' work, with no current developers)


Older/Off Focus Research, or just things I've looked at...

  • NVIDIA CUDA+ MapReduce (master's thesis)
  • Prolog / Logic Programming / Constraint Horn Rules
  • Distributed Hash Tables / Overlay Networks
  • Reactive vs. Deterministic Agents/Planning
  • CDAO-Store
  • ProSight PTM: I implemented the base engine for Retriever in version 3.0