CS 579/479 Assignment Upload

All files can be submitted through this interface (.doc, .txt, .ps, .pdf, ...). Tar files should end in .tar, and will be automatically extracted.

A file that is resubmitted will overwrite any previous version, so you should only resubmit an assignment (especially a late one) if you are sure that you want the later one to be the submitted one.

NOTE: Please name your files the correct names. If you are uploading a C program, the file should end in ".c". Some submissions that are coming from PCs have C programs in files that end in ".txt". That is not good.

Note that when a file is successfully uploaded, an email message is sent to the student under whose name it was submitted, and information about when and where the submission was made is logged. Uploads that are malicious or incorrect will be detected. Please ignore the number of lines in the message if you file is in binary format.

If you do not receive an email confirmation of your upload, or if you receive a upload message when in fact you did not upload anything, please contact me (tson AT cs.nmsu.edu) as soon as possible.





Thanks to Jonathan Cook for the permission to use the upload system. Last modified: Thu Jan 15 09:04:33 Mountain Standard Time 2004