Tom O'Hara Shell Script Collection

This directory contains a distribution of my collection of useful shell script utilities, predominantly in Perl. Most of these have been developed at NMSU, such as in support of my thesis work (O'Hara 2005). Also see Thesis code. Several of the scripts were developed in support of the GraphLing project directed by Janyce Wiebe and Rebecca Bruce. However, some were developed or refined at Cycorp (and thus are partially copyrighted).

Links to individual scripts are shown below, along with a brief description. In addition, a tar archive of the collection is available:

The scripts are free in the GNU sense (see license below). However, if you find the scripts useful, please make a small donation to the NMSU Computer Science Department (or not so small, if really really useful).

Tom O'Hara
Summer 2006

Thesis info

O'Hara (2005), Empirical Acquisition of Conceptual Distinctions via Dictionary Definitions, PhD Dissertation, New Mexico State University, 2005.


All code is freely available in the GNU sense: See GNU_public_license.txt for details.