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Structure I, Spring 2000

Homework 1: Answers

  1. Write a grammar using the BNF meta-language for four-function calculator 'programs' using the calculator pictured below. Each 'program' consists of pressing the ON button, followed by any number of calculations followed by pressing the OFF button. Your grammar should only include meaningful programs that produce useful results (any sequence of button pushes is allowed, but not all these sequences produce meaningful results). In particular, notice that parentheses must be matched for a result to be produced. Use the normal notion of parenthesized infix expressions to guide your grammar. The +/- button changes the sign of the previous operand. The following sequences are valid programs:




There are many correct answers, but the important points are:


                <program> ::= ON OFF | ON <calc_list> OFF                  ; program may be empty

                <calc_list> ::= <calc> | <calc> <calc_list>                                        ; any number of calculations

                <calc> ::= <expr> =                                                                               ; a calculation is an expression

; followed by =

<expr> ::= <operand> <op> <expr> | <operand>                             ; any number of infix operations

; with no precedence

<operand> ::= <num> | <num> +/- | ( <expr> )                                  ; a number followed optioanlly by

; +/-

<num> ::= <int> | <real>                                                                      ; numbers can be integer or real

<int> ::= <digit> | <digit> <int>                                                          ; any sequence of digits

<real> ::= <int> . | <int> . <int>                                                           ; the fractional part may be absent

<op> ::= + | - | ´ | ¸                                                                                ; four functions

<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9                                 ; no comment!


  1. Draw the syntax tree for the last example above to demonstrate that your grammar works.






  1. Rewrite your BNF grammar in EBNF form aiming to remove as much recursion as possible from the BNF form.


The EBNF form must remove all recursion to be correct. If a BNF rule in part 1 had two recursive non-terminals (probably ambiguous), then it should be replaced by an unambiguous form with only one recursion before conversion to ENBF. It is OK to use a superscript 1 (at least one) or 0 (zero or more) on braces for repetition.


program ::= 'ON' {expr '='} 'OFF'                                                         ; program may be empty

expr ::= operand  {('+' | '-' | '´' | '¸') operand}                                     ; any number of infix operations

; with no precedence

operand ::= num [+/-] | '(' expr ')'                                                         ; a number followed optionally by

; +/- or a parenthsized expression

num ::= digit {digit} ['.' {digit}]                                                          ; numbers can be integer or real

digit ::=' '0 | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'                       


  1. Redraw your EBNF grammar in syntax diagram form.