August September October November December

09/03/07 Labor Day NO CLASS

09/05/07 Introduction to Java. classes, methods, inheritance, polymorphism [class notes]

09/07/07 More Java. Interfaces, packages, Java collections. [class notes]

09/10/07 JavaCC, a parser generator. [notes] [class notes]

09/12/07 Abstract Syntax Trees in JavaCC.

09/14/07 Interpreters for imperative languages. The store model, assignment. [notes]

09/17/07 Interpreters for imperative languages. Writing an interpreter using JavaCC.

09/19/07 Variables and their properties [notes] [class notes]

09/21/07 Block-structure, scope, types and type checking [class notes] [class notes]

09/24/07 Implementation of scope and type-checking [class notes]

09/26/07 Procedures, functions, parameters. [class notes] [class notes] [class notes]

09/28/07 Interpreters for imperative languages. [class notes]

(NMSU calendar) (all class notes)