Assignment 4

Assignment 6

List processing in Prolog


To understand and use techniques for programming in Prolog.

1. Write a Prolog predicate to reverse a list. e.g. given the goal reverse([a,b,c],R), Prolog will respond with R=[c,b,a].

2. Write a Prolog predicate to square the items in a list of integers. e.g. given the goal squareList([1,2,3],L), Prolog will respond with L=[1,4,9].


1. You will need to use append, as given in class, to help with reverse.

2. To make a list out of an item, just put it in square brackets. e.g. a list of a single item bound to X is [X].

3. Arithmetic needs the 'is' operator, e.g. X is Y + Z will add the values bound to Y and Z and the result is bound to X.


A listing of your source code with the appropriate predicates defined, and a trace of the predicates running. Use the above goals for the final tests that you turn in. i.e.



Due Date

Wednesday, April 30th. before midnight

Running sicstus prolog

The version of Prolog which you will use is called sicstus (there was a quintus before it). It runs under Linux. You can put sicstus in your path with:

% source /local/config/cshrc.sicstus

and then run the interpreter with

% sicstus

You will get something like the following response:

SICStus 3.12.2 (x86-linux-glibc2.3): Sun May 29 11:59:09 CEST 2005
Licensed to
| ?-

You can then type in a goal for Prolog to try and satisfy. Prepare your Prolog programs with any text editor, and then load the file (Prolog calls it 'consulting') with:

| ?- ['myfile.plg'].

This will load your file and give you the prompt back. Don't forget the period at the end! Let's say you put the append predicate in a file called append.plg. You could then load it and run append with

| ?- ['append.plg'].
{consulting /pathto/directory/append.plg...}
{consulted /pathto/directory/append.plg in module user, 0 msec 976 bytes}
| ?- append([a,b,c],[d,e],L).

L = [a,b,c,d,e] ?

| ?-

Exit sicstus by typing

| ?- halt.

or pressing ctrl-D.