An abstract data type for monetary amounts


Your task is to write a class for numeric values that represent monetary amounts. When you have written and tested the ADT,  you will then incorporate it into your inventory program, to give it a "real" test. When you have done this, you will understand how to write an abstract data type and how to use it.



Monetary amounts are usually just represented by floating-point numbers, as you did in your original inventory program. However, just using numbers opens up monetary values to possible misuse. As an ADT, the type float (or double, which is just a bigger version) can be used with the following operations: +, -, *,  /, ==, >, <, >=, <=, and, through coercion to integers, with %, &&, ||, !, &, |. They can also be read and written in one of two formats: fixed point, and scientific. Whereas this all makes sense for general-purpose numbers, when all we really want is to manipulate money amounts, we would like to restrict the operations that apply. We can do this with an abstract data type definition, using the class mechanism in C++.

We would like to restrict the operations on money amounts to these:

  1. addition of two money amounts
  2. subtraction of two money amounts
  3. division of two money amounts (to produce ratios)
  4. multiplication and division of a money amount by an integer
  5. multiplication and division of a money amount by a float (or double)
  6. comparisons of two money amounts for equality, and inequality
  7. input in fixed point form, with monetary symbol prefix
  8. output in fixed point form, with monetary symbol prefix , and parenthesis notation for negative values

The Money class

Design your class to represent money amounts using two components--a whole number part, and a fractional part. Use a long integer for the first, and a bounded integer for the second. By bounded we mean that the number of decimal places will be limited to two at all times. This means only fractional values in the range 0 to 99 will be allowed. Your ADT will enforce this constraint by suitable implementation of the overloaded operators described above. The class will then have three private variables:


class Money {


  long whole;

  unsigned char fraction;

  char prefixSymbol;

. . .



There will be two ways to construct a Money object: from two integers, and from a float:


Money(long whole, unsigned char fraction, char prefix = '$');

Money(float m, char prefix = '$');


Notice the use of a default parameter for the currency symbol. The other class class members should implement the operations given in the last section.

A Test Program

Use the following main function to test your class. Your class must work with this code, without alteration.


int main() {

  // object creation

  Money m1, m2(123.45), m3(234.56);


  // input and output

  cout << "m1 is " << m1 <<endl;

  cin >> m1; // make sure this reads the value $345.67

  cout << "m1 is " << m1 <<endl;

  cout << "m2 is " << m2 <<endl;

  cout << "m3 is " << m3 <<endl;


  // arithmetic

  m1 = m2 + m3 * 2;

  cout << "m1 is now " << m1 << endl;

  // division

  double ratio = m3 / m2;

  cout << "ratio of m3 and m2 is " << ratio << endl;


  // comparision

  if (m3 > m2)

    cout << "m3 is bigger than m2" << endl;


    cout << "m2 is bigger than m3" << endl;


  return 0;




  1. The source code of your class, with the test main function, and results of running the test, in hardcopy form, handed to me (RTH).
  2. The source code of your class, with the test main fucntion, submitted using the assignment submitter as 'program2'.


Due Date

Friday, March 24th at 5 pm.