Some Linux Projects

Some small Linux software projects are available for download from here:

libpdf 0.1.0
libpdf is a library for the generation of PDF files from C programs. It is designed so that other language bindings (specifically C++) should be reasonably straightforward; hopefully, it is reasonably well documented. I've been using it to generate a variety of labels and things for Science Fair, so it's at least been through some alpha testing.
A TrueType implementation of the standard 3-of-9 barcode. All the supporting software that went into creating it needs to be packaged up to go along with it... I've got it in here with all my linux-specific stuff, but there's no reason I know of that it wouldn't work with something else. The first link in this paragraph is just the font itself; here's a link to the program I wrote to generate the drawing instructions for the font and some other related files, including directions for recreating the font: code39-0.1.tar.gz
Gdl 0.7.2
Gdl (Gtk Down Loader) is a program to download programs to, and communicate with, the Motorola HC11 microprocessor through a serial port. I've gotten tired of trying to keep up with all the myriad libraries necessary make this a gnome application, so all gnome dependencies have been stripped out. It uses the gtk toolkit.

Some other information regarding the HC11 is available under my classwork section, in the CS273 links.

Last modified: Mon Jun 23 14:50:52 MDT 2014