The Stack and Procedures

The biggest use of the stack in a computer is in implementing procedures. Every procedural programming language in wide-spread use today uses a stack as its model for procedure call and return.

Procedure Call Example

We can see how the procedure call instructions work by using another simple example. In C, the example would be

int main() {
   int i;

   return 0;

void p1() {
    int i;

void p2() {
    int i;

(this is an admittedly really useless program!)

Let's think for just a moment about how this program executes. First, the main() function starts.

In the hc11, this gets translated to:

STACK  equ  $00ff
EEPROM equ  $f800

       org   $EEPROM

* main program
main   lds   #STACK
       jsr   p1

eloop  bra   eloop

* procedure p1
p1     bsr p2

*procedure p2
p2     rts

end  main

It's probably worth while to execute this example. What it'll do is:

  1. Initialize the stack pointer to the top of RAM, $00ff

  2. Call procedure p1. This will change the PC to the address of P1, subtract two from the SP, and put the return address (the address of the instruction after the jsr) on the stack.

  3. Call procedure p2 from p1. Notice that the call to p1 was a jsr, while this call is a bsr. Once again, SP is decremented and the return address is put on the stack.

  4. Return from procedure p2 to p1. It'll land on the instruction after the bsr (which is a rts). The SP is incremented to point to the other return address.

    An important thing to notice here is that the data isn't actually removed from the stack: it's still there, and there is a strong temptation to go ahead and use it. Don't. When we get into interrupts, it turns out that stale data like that can be corrupted at any moment without warning. Best to think of the data as just gone.

  5. Return from procedure p1 to the main program. SP is now back to original value, 00ff.

Last modified: Mon Oct 5 10:26:01 MDT 2009