Basics of Instruction Execution

From our perspective in today's lecture, a computer has two important components: some memory and a CPU (this quite deliberately leaves out the whole input/output system, which we'll be dealing with extensively later. But it isn't important today).


The memory is just that: it remembers things. You can put numbers into it, and you can take numbers out of it. The memory is organized so that every location has an address: so we have memory location 0, location 1, location 2, location 3, and so forth. You can think of it like an array; you can assign values to locations in the array, and get values out of locations in the array. Here's a figure showing the memory:

If you've come across hexadecimal arithmetic before, you've already noticed that I've written the numbers in the memory as hexadecimal. The $ in front of each one is how we will tell the assembler that we want to use a hexadecimal number.

Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit is the part of the computer that does all the work. The main things it contains are:

  1. The Arithmetic-Logic Unit. This is the part of the CPU that does arithmetic (like addition, subtraction, etc)
  2. The instruction interpreter. This is the part we're going to be most worried about today: it's what controls everything else.
  3. A little bit more memory, in addition to the memory we talked about a minute ago. The memory in the CPU is called registers (another term for register, which was more common in the past than today, is accumulator. The reason for this is that, in a computer with an instruction set similar to the HC11, one "accumulates" results in an accumulator and then writes them out to memory).

We need to have memory actually in the CPU because getting it from "memory" takes too long (one of the major determiners of how powerful a computer is, is how many registers it has in the CPU, and how much can be transferred at a time between memory and the CPU); one of the most effective ways to make a program run faster is to make sure you have the most-used data present in the CPU at all times.

We'll be introducing the registers a few at a time, as needed. For today, we need the Program Counter register, and the A Accumulator.

The PC always contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. A is a register where we "accumulate" results.

So, here's a picture of the computer as we're looking at it today.

Computer Structure
Instruction Execution

Let's take a look at a fragment of code in memory (this fragment is taken from a program you can find at Suppose we have

Also, let's suppose that before we start, the PC contains $f800. So here's what things look like before we start:

PC contains $f800

(of course, the IR and Accumulator A actually contain something. We just don't know what, and their initial contents won't be relevant to the example)

  1. First Instruction
    1. Read from memory location $f800, getting the value $86 back. This is the instruction fetch, and the number we just read from memory is called the instruction's opcode (that's short for "operation code").
    2. Figure out what opcode $86 means. To do this, we need to turn to the Reference Guide, Page 8. We look in column 8, row 6 (since those are the two digits in the opcode). When we do this, we find a large box in the table, marked LDA. That's the instructions name, which is short for Load Accumulator. Notice that all of the columns from $8 through $f, and row $6, are Load Accumulator (LDA) instructions.

      We can also find more information here: we also find that all of the columns from $8 through $b, regardless of row, are headed by ACCA. This tells us that all of these instructions (including the one we're interested in) affect Accumulator A. Finally, column $8 itself is headed by IMM. This tells us that we're using immediate addressing.

      Putting all this information together, we're executing a Load Accumulator instruction, using Accumulator A, and Immediate Addressing. This figuring out what the instruction is, is called the instruction decode. Now we can turn to the Reference Manual to find out what it really does, and simulate it.

    3. Now we can turn to the Reference Manual to find out what it really does, and simulate it. There's a list of all the instructions, in alphabetical order, starting on page 492. The LDA instruction appears on page 551.

      This gives a complete specification of the instruction: first, Operation tells us what it does — with a little help from the nomenclature guide on pages 488 and 489, we see that the contents of a memory location are copied into either Accumulator A or Accumulator B. The Description: says the same thing, in something more like English. We'll ignore the Condition Codes for the moment, and turn to the tables at the bottom, where we see that LDAA (IMM) performs the following steps:

      1. On the first cycle, we read memory at the address of the opcode byte (i.e. the address specified in the PC), and get a value of $86. Of course, we already knew that; it's how we started! Something that's implicit here is that every time we read from the address pointed to by the PC, the PC is incremented. So now it contains $f801.
      2. On the second cycle, we read one byte of immediate data (that's what the ii means) from OP + 1 — in other words, the address the PC is now pointing to. After we've read it, we increment the PC again, so it now contains $f802.

      From the definition of the operation of the instruction, we know that the value read in the second cycle is loaded into the A Accumulator. The result is that Acc A = $24.

      All this stuff after the instruction decode is instruction execution.

    Here's what things look like now:

    PC contains $f802, AccA contains $24

    Now we're ready to go to the second instruction.

  2. Second Instruction
    1. Perform another instruction fetch, this time from address $f802, getting an opcode of $8b this time.
    2. Add one to the PC. So the PC's value is now $f803.
    3. Go back to the reference guide, and decode the instruction. We can see that it's an ADD, using accumulator A and immediate addressing.
    4. Instead of going to the reference manual, let's go to the reference guide this time. We can find the instruction on page 13.
      • The instruction mnemomic (the name we know it by) is ADDA.
      • What it does is it adds a location in memory to the A accumulator
      • The next column, A + M => A, is a more formal description of the instruction. For some of the other instructions, this is a bit more illuminating.
      • Its addressing mode (really acumulator and addressing mode) is A IMM (this is the same accumulator and addressing mode as in the first example).
      • Its opcode is $8b. Of course, we already knew that.
      • It takes one operand, which the table shows as ii. The nomenclature table for the reference guide is on page 20; once again, we see that ii means one byte of immediate data.
      • It takes two cycles to execute.
      • It affects the H, N, Z, V, and C condition codes. We'll also be getting to condition codes later.
    5. We've really got enough information from just this to simulate the instruction this time: we read from $12 from$f803 and add it to the previous contents of accumulator A. This gives us a new value of $36 in the accumulator, and leaves the PC pointing at $f804.

So here's what things look like now:

PC contains $f804, AccA contains $36

At this point, the HC11 would proceed to read whatever is at address $f804, and process it just like the previous two instructions. But I haven't defined any instructions to follow the two we've looked at, so the example ends here!