HC11 Arithmetic and Condition Codes

The HC11 has a pretty rich set of arithmetic instructions, intended for doing eight-bit arithmetic on the A and B accumulators. It can also combine the A and B accumulators into a single, 16 bit D accumulator. In this first section, we'll only be discussing the eight bit accumulators.

There are a few things to notice about how these instructions are structured.

Initializing an Accumulator

We can set an accumulator to a known value with a clra, clrb, ldaa, or ldab instruction.

As the names imply, the clra and clrb instructions set the values of the A or B accumulator to 0. These instructions do not take an argument. They set the condition codes as you'd expect: N=1, the others are all 0.

The ldaa and ldab instructions set the accumulator to an arbitrary eight bit value. They take the form

ldar  arg
where r is either a or b (as appropriate), and arg is the argument. They set the N and Z bits appropriately, clear the V bit, and (surprisingly) leave the C bit unchanged. This last is to help with multiple-precision arithmetic later on.

Arithmetic Involving Memory and an Accumulator

The arithmetic operations are adda, addb, suba, and subb. All take a single operand (like ldaa and ldab), and all set all the condition codes appropriately. A little bit of a surprise in how the subtract instructions set the condition codes is that, instead of using the C bit to mean "Carry out," it uses it to mean "Borrow out." This turns out to be exactly the opposite of "Carry out," and (like the odd behavior of C on a load instruction) will end up being useful for multiple-precision arithmetic.

Arithmetic Between Accumulators

There are also two instructions performing arithmetic between the two accumulators: aba, which adds the B accumulator to the A accumulator, and sba, which subtracts the B accumulator from the A accumulator. These modify all the condition codes appropriately.

Arithmetic on a single accumulator

We can increment or decrement an accumulator with inca, incb, deca, or decb. These all change N, Z, and V appropriately, but leave C unchanged.

Arithmetic on a memory location

There are also clr, inc and dec instructions which operate on a byte in memory, and set the N, Z, and V condition codes. These are useful primarily for maintaining things like loop counters if both accumulators are in use for another purpose, since they are quite slow (but not so slow as saving the contents of an accumulator, loading the loop counter, changing the loop counter, saving the loop counter, and reloading the old register contents).

Last modified: Fri Jan 30 08:40:52 MST 2004