
Division is, of course, just multiplication run backwards. The thing is, while we can reasonably put a limit of 8 bits on our operands when we multiply, we really can't put an eight bit limit on our denominator, our quotient, or our remainder! So things will be quite a bit messier by the time we're done than they were last time.

For an example, we're going to do something very similar to our multiplication example, run backwards. We're going to make a couple of changes:

Doing the division looks something like this:

00000101 )0000000000111001

Now let's do a table like last time:

     Old          Result        New
0000000000111001 0        0000000000111001
0000000000111001 00       0000000000111001
0000000000111001 000      0000000000111001
0000000000111001 0000     0000000000111001
0000000000111001 00001    0000000000010001
0000000000010001 000010   0000000000010001
0000000000010001 0000101  0000000000000111
0000000000000111 00001011 0000000000000010

Once again, think about just which bits we're considering on each pass:

     Old               Result         New
 000000000 0111001    0           000000000 0111001
0 000000000 111001   0 0         0 000000000 111001
00 000000001 11001   00 0        00 000000001 11001
000 000000011 1001   000 0       000 000000011 1001
0000 000000111 001   0000 1      0000 000000010 001
00000 000000100 01   00001 0     00000 000000100 01
000000 000001000 1   000010 1    000000 000000011 1
0000000 000000111    0000101 1   0000000 000000010

And reformatting to line things up again:

         Old                 Result      New
        000000000 0111001         0            000000000 0111001
      0 000000000 111001        0 0          0 000000000 111001
     00 000000001 11001        00 0         00 000000001 11001
    000 000000011 1001        000 0        000 000000011 1001
   0000 000000111 001        0000 1       0000 000000010 001
  00000 000000100 01        00001 0      00000 000000100 01
 000000 000001000 1        000010 1     000000 000000011 1
0000000 000000111         0000101 1    0000000 000000010

How does this relate to the HC11? We'll have a 16 bit numerator in location numerator. We'll have a 16 bit denominator in denominator. We'll end up with our quotient in x and our remainder in d. Here we go:

        ldx    #0
        ldd    #0

        ldy    #16        * loop counter
        xgdx              * make room in X for next result bit

        lsl    numer+1 * 32 bit shift!  Gets one bit into D
        rol    numer
        cpd    denom    * find out if we can subtract on this pass
        bcs    nosub

        subd   denom    * subtract and put bit into x
nosub   dey
        bne    loop

HC11 has two divide instructions: fdiv and idiv. The distinction is completely unclear from the pocket guide! It turns out that fdiv assumes that the numerator is smaller than the denominator, and computes the fraction - it does the binary equivalent of calculating that 7/8 = .875 (what it would get is %1110000). idiv does an integer divide; it computes that 7/8 = 0 with a remainder of 7.

Notice that division is a lot slower than multiplication! This is universally true. Division is just plain harder than multiplication, and so it takes either more time or more hardware to accomplish.