March 21, 2002

Members Present: Lori McKee, Chair, Patricia Frank, Ann Hales, Melanie Martin, Chelsea Stipe, Mike O’Larey, Becky Ramirez, Silvia Green

Members Absent: Leslie Robbins

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the February 28, 2002, meeting were approved with a correction to Wendell Oderkirk’s title which is Coordinator of Community Health.

OLD BUSINESS: None discussed.


1. February Stats: Comparing February 2002 to February 2001, the number of patient visits decreased by 122; prescriptions decreased by 150; Lab increased by 82; Xray increased by 17; and Triage decreased by 75. Physician On-Call occurrences showed no increase; and Saturday clinic visits decreased by 6. Comparing July through February FY2000/2001 to July through February FY 2001/2002, patient visits are up 6.12%, prescriptions are up 3.1%, lab is up 3.27%, Xray is up 23.85%, triage is down 2.69%, Physician On-Call is up 13%, and Saturday clinic is down 6.11%.

2. Insurance Renewal:

Student Health Center Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - March 21, 2002

Page 2

3. Activity Update:


The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

The Pre-Insurance Meeting and the Insurance meeting will be announced as soon as the date is set.

The next SHAC meeting is: Thursday, April 25, 2002, Room 167, Student Health Center.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori McKee, Administrative Director, Student Health Center
