February 28, 2002

Members Present: Lori McKee, Chair, Patricia Frank, Ann Hales, Melanie Martin, Chelsea Stipe, Becky Ramirez

Members Absent: Mike O’Larey, Wendy Floren, Becky Keele-Smith, Paul LaPorte, Leslie Robbins, Jason Rogers, April Vise, Patricia Chavira, Tony Mahung, Brian Thompson

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the November 29, 2001, meeting were approved.


  1. Pharmacy System: The SHC is now officially using the system which is working very well. As the earlier part of this academic year is not in the new system, pharmacy averages are being calculated manually for the year and figures are not yet ready.

  1. New Vice President for Student Services: Gladys De Necochea will begin on 3/25/02 as the Vice President for Student Services. An invitation will be extended to her to attend a SHAC meeting; hopefully, she will be able to attend one in the Fall.


1. Stats:

  1. November: The number of patient visits increased by 529; Prescriptions increased by 229; Lab increased by 140; Xray increased by 21; and Triage increased by 30. Physician On-Call occurrences increased by 12. Saturday clinic increased by 2.

  2. December: The number of patient visits decreased by 204; Prescriptions decreased by 87; Lab decreased by 91; Xray decreased by 15; and Triage decreased by 80. Physician On-Call occurrences decreased by 14. Saturday clinic increased by 4.

  3. January: The number of patient visits increased by 148; Prescriptions increased by 125; Lab decreased by 135; Xray increased by 17; and Triage decreased by 58. Physician On-Call occurrences increased by 7. Saturday clinic decreased by 5.

  4. A 3% increase in patient encounters is being projected for the year. (Last year’s total was 27,528.)

  5. Sixty-five percent (65%) of SHC funding comes from student health fees from ASNMSU. Thirty-five percent (35%) comes from sales/services. Sixty-five percent of the budget covers salaries.

  6. Utility costs have increased greatly for the SHC. Some adjustments may need to be made to the budget because of this.

2. Mandatory Insurance - Foreign Students:

  1. Lori McKee distributed copies of ACHA Guidelines, “Standards for Student Health Insurance/Benefits Programs” and “Health Insurance for International Students and Scholars and Their Dependents”.

  2. Rather than mandating the SHC endorsed insurance plan for foregin studens, CIP will work with the Student Health Center to establish minimum guidelines for foreign students’ insurance coverage. Insurance plans outside the SHC endorsed plan will be accepted as long as the minimum guidelines are satisfied. A copy of a student’s policy will be required for filing in the student’s medical chart at the Student Health Center.

Student Health Center Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - February 28, 2002

Page 2

  1. The waiver problem has been fixed. Of 705 students registering, 367 had SHC insurance, 250 had waivers, and the remainder were unaccounted for. When the University sends the list to the insurance company, the do not code which are domestic students and which are foreign. After review, only 28 were ultimately unaccounted for. These may be students from Juarez who are not full time and not counted as foreign students.

  2. Free TB skin tests will be offered at orientations and then read two days later. This will help avoid the blocking problem at the beginning of semesters. Those students who miss this at orientation will pay a charge at the SHC and will be blocked.

3. Activity Update:

  1. Karin Diener, Health Education Coordinator, is unable to attend meetings this semester.

  2. Presentations on STDs and contraception are being given in academic classes.

  3. Eating Disorders: This endeavor “kind of flopped”. The Round Up missed putting the SHC’s ad into circulation; therefore, there was no publicity. Wanda Morgan, Licensed Dietitian, did a presentation on eating disorders for the female volleyball team. The table that was set up in Corbett Center on 2/27/02 with the intention of conducting on-line screenings, was not located near a computer port. Screenings had to be done manually, and, therefore, there were few participants. Information was distributed, however.

  4. An alcohol screening is planned for April 2002.

  5. National Condom Day was observed on 2/14/02. The SHC had a table at Corbett Center along with co-sponsors Candida de Vida and FYI.

4. Insurance Renewal:

  1. Utilization Report: There were 1,281 on SHC insurance in Spring, up by 200. Premiums total $827,223, and $366,330 was expended in claim payments.

  2. The insurance company is not ready to set forth their proposal for renewal. The Insurance Committee will meet in early April 2002 to discuss renewal options or going out to bid.


  1. A $900 camera for dermatology was purchased. There is an average wait of 1-1/2 months to see the dermatologist. The camera will assist staff physicians in determining cases which need to be referred to the dermatologist with the use of photographs for the dermatologist’s review.

  2. Flu shots are still available through the month of March 2002.

  3. Melanie Martin inquired what could be done for those with alcohol or drug problems. There is no detox center in the area, but the Consultant Psychiatrist could work with them. The SHC does not have a lot of in-house resources, but can direct or refer patients for help. There are weekly AA meetings held on campus. Chelsea Stipe will obtain the schedule. Support groups are also available through the Counseling Center.

  4. Ann Hales suggested the SHC utilize the services of Nursing Department students for activities. Their participation can be organized through Wendell Oderkirk, Acting Academic Department Head.

  5. Leanne Crossland announced that she is involved in planning the annual, Region II, EMS conference which will offer nursing, paramedic and fire fighter CEs. The conference is in October 2002 and will be at the Hilton.

Student Health Center Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - February 28, 2002

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  1. Leanne Crossland announced she is a car seat technician. To become a tech, you must attend a 32 hour class on installing a child’s car seat. There is no fee for the class. There are three slots available for the next class.

  2. A discussion centered on graduate students not being aware of the SHC services. There is no graduate student orientation. Melanie Martin suggested a “user’s guide” to the SHC in brochure form.

  3. Melanie Martin asked if the insurance company was still slow in paying. Lori McKee explained that it is sometimes due to the University not sending the premium check right away, and the insurance company has to wait for this in order to know who is on the insurance. Ms. McKee also mentioned that a student who has a balance of over $100 on his/her account will have a block placed on that account. If the student has the SHC insurance plan, and has outstanding insurance claims, the block can be lifted.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

The next meeting is: Thursday, March 21, 2002, Room 167, Student Health Center.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori McKee, Administrative Director, Student Health Center
