Final Paper Instructions

Your final version is due on March 28. We realize that the call said April 1, but the ICSE organizers want a single PDF compilation of the workshop proceedings by April 1, and we will need a bit of time to put that together. Your final version must be no more than four (4) pages.

Final versions will be submitted through the same submission form you used earlier. Please fill out all fields (including the abstract) so that they are up to date. These will be used in generating the on-line proceedings.

We urge you to consider the reviews and address the concerns in order to produce the best possible proceedings for WODA 2003.

Your paper should adhere to the ICSE 2003 formatting instructions. Please note that if you are using a style that matched the formatting guidelines of an older ICSE or other IEEE-published conference, you may be violating the more recent formatting instructions. Please be sure you are up to date.

Your final version must be in PDF format, and should use only Type 1 fonts (this is also stated in the general ICSE instructions). You can use the Acrobat Reader "Document Properties" to view the font list that the document is using. If you absolutely cannot generate PDF, please contact to discuss the matter.