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The following table summarises the predefined global operators in ECLiPSe. They can be redefined or erased on a per-module basis by hiding them with a user-defined local operator using op/3.

Prec  Assoc  Operators

1200   xfx   [-->, :-, ?-, if]
1200    fx   [:-, ?-]
1190    fy   [help]
1190    fx   [delay]
1180    fx   [-?->]
1170   xfx   [else]
1160    fx   [if]
1150   xfx   [then]
1100   xfy   [;, do, '|']
1050   xfy   [->]
1050   xfx   [except, from]
1050    fy   [import, reexport]
1000   xfy   [,]
1000    fy   [abolish, demon, dynamic, export, global, 
              listing, local, mode, nospy, parallel, skipped, 
              spy, traceable, unskipped, untraceable]
 900    fy   [\+, not, once, ~]
 700   xfx   [#<, #<=, #=, #=<, #>, #>=, #\=, ::, 
              <, =, =.., =:=, =<, ==, =\=, >, >=, 
              @<, @=<, @>, @>=, \=, \==, is, ~=]
 650   xfx   [@, of, with]
 600   xfy   [:]
 600   xfx   [..]
 500   yfx   [+, -, /\, \/]
 500    fx   [+, -]
 400   yfx   [*, /, //, <<, >>]
 300   xfx   [mod]
 200   xfy   [^]
 200    fx   [\]

Warwick Harvey