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hash_insert_suspension(+Table, +Susp, -Notifications)

Attach a suspension to be woken on hash table modifications
Hash table
A suspension
A reveive port, see library(notify_ports)


Attach a suspension Susp to the hash table Table such that it gets woken whenever the table changes (i.e. when entries are added, changed or removed).

The suspended goal would typically be a demon (because it is going to be woken repeatedly, on every change). hash_insert_suspension/3 also supplies a Notifications argument, which should be used as one of the arguments of the suspended goal (see example). This is a "receive port" as defined by library(notify_ports), and is used to convey information about the changes that happened to the hash table. The notifications are of the following form:

if a table entry was added
if a table entry was modified
if a table entry was removed
Note that the suspensions will be always be woken after the hash table has changed, so they will see the new state when they wake up.


    % Program:

	hash_create_verbose(H) :-
	    make_suspension(report(Notifications,Susp), 2, Susp),
	    hash_insert_suspension(H, Susp, Notifications).

	:- demon(report/2).
	report(Notifications, Susp) :-
	    notify_ports:receive_notifications(Notifications, List, Status),
	    ( Status = closed -> kill_suspension(Susp) ; true ).

    % Sample execution

    ?- hash_create_verbose(H),
       hash_set(H,k1,v1), hash_set(H,k1,v2), hash_delete(H,k1),
    changes : [add(k1, v1)]
    changes : [chg(k1, v1, v2)]
    changes : [rem(k1, v2)]
    changes : []

    H = hash(4, 0, [])
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

See Also

hash_terminate_suspensions / 1, notify_ports : receive_notifications / 3, notify_ports : foreachnotification / 6, library(notify_ports), demon / 1