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view_graph(+Graph, +Options)

Display a given graph in a window
A graph structure
A list of Option:Value pairs


This predicate takes a graph, applies one of the graphviz layout routines to it, and displays the result in a viewer window.

Possible options are:

a list of Name=Value pairs which specify the graph attributes
a list of Name=Value pairs which specify the default edge attributes
a list of Name=Value pairs which specify the default node attributes
the name of a predicate that will generate node attributes for specific nodes. This predicate will be invoked for every node in the graph with the arguments pred(+Graph, +Node, -AttrList). It is expected to compute an attribute list for a particular node. If it fails, the node will be displayed using the default node attributes.
the name of a predicate that will generate edge attributes for specific edges. This predicate will be invoked for every node in the graph with the arguments pred(+Graph, +Edge, -AttrList). It is expected to compute an attribute list for a particular edge. If it fails, the edge will be displayed using the default edge attributes.
One of the atoms: none, dot, neato, twopi, force_directed, radial, tree, top_to_bottom, left_to_right. Alternatively, a list specifying a layout command (see exec/3).
For the exact definition of graph, node and edge attributes, see the specification of the DOT language in the graphviz documentation.


    ?- lib(graph_algorithms), lib(graphviz).
    Yes (1.17s cpu)

    ?- make_random_graph(10, 30, true, true, true, G),
       view_graph(G, [layout:left_to_right]).
    G = graph(...)
    Yes (0.03s cpu)

    ?- make_random_graph(10, 30, true, true, true, G),
       view_graph(G, [layout:left_to_right]).
    G = graph(...)
    Yes (0.03s cpu)

% Sample node attribute generator

node_colour(Graph, Node, Attrs) :-
	( Node mod 2 =:= 0 -> Attrs = [color=red] ; Attrs = [color=green] ).

% Sample run

    ?- make_random_graph(10, 30, true, true, true, G),
       view_graph(G, [node_attrs_generator:node_colour]).
    G = graph(...)
    Yes (0.03s cpu)

See Also

view_graph / 1, library(graph_algorithms)