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This library contains a generic search routine which implements a number of partial search methods (complete, credit, lds, bbs, dbs)


delete(-X, +List, -R, ++Arg, ++Select)
Choose a domain variable from a list according to selection criteria.
indomain(?Var, ++Method)
a flexible way to assign values to finite domain variables
nth_value(+Domain, ++N, -Value)
return the nth value in a domain
search(+L, ++Arg, ++Select, +Choice, ++Method, +Option)
A generic search routine for finite domains or IC which implements different partial search methods (complete, credit, lds, bbs, dbs, sbds)


This library contains a generic search routine which implements a number of partial search methods (complete, credit, lds, bbs, dbs) and some of their combinations.


Generated from fd_search.eci on Sat Aug 7 01:44:38 2004