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Assemble and disassemble predicates


asm(+PredSpec, +WAMCode)
Assemble the WAM instructions WAMCode into ECLiPSe as predicate PredSpec.
asm(+PredSpec, +WAMCode, +Module)
Assemble the WAM instructions WAMCode into ECLiPSe in module Module as predicate PredSpec.
disasm(+PredSpec, ?WAMCode)
Disassemble an existing predicate PredSpec in the current module to its WAM abstract machine representation WAMCode.
disasm(+PredSpec, ?WAMCode, +Module)
Disassemble an existing predicate PredSpec in the module Module to its WAM abstract machine representation WAMCode.
pasm(+WAMCode, ?Size, ?Object)
Partially assemble WAMCode into an object format.
No description available
Prints the formatted WAM code for predicate PredSpec.
wam(+PredSpec, +Module)
Prints the formatted WAM code for predicate PredSpec from module Module.


The asm library provide tools for assembling and disassembling the WAM code representation of predicates to and from memory. It also allows the formatted printing of the WAM code. This library is used by the fcompile library to generate the object code, which is a form of the WAM code that can be read back in and assembled into the predicates.
Generated from asm.eci on Sat Aug 7 01:44:22 2004