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term_string(?Term, ?String)

Conversion between a Prolog term and a string.
Prolog term.
String or a variable.


If String is instantiated, its contents are parsed, and if the whole string can be parsed as one Prolog term it is unified with Term. If String is not instantiated, Term is written into a string (using writeq/2) and String is bound to it.

To change the way the term is converted into a string, e.g. to include print metaterm handlers, it is possible to define it as follows:

term_to_string(T, S) :-
    open(string(""), write, Stream),
    % use the flags which you want
    printf(Stream, "%mw", [T]),
    get_stream_info(Stream, name, S),

Fail Conditions

Fails if String is not the string conversion of the term Term.




(5) type error
String is instantiated, but not to a string.
(7) string contains unexpected characters
String cannot be converted to a Prolog term.


      term_string(T, "look").      (gives T=look).
      term_string(T, "26.0").      (gives T=26.0).
      term_string(T, "f(1,2).").   (gives T=f(1,2)).
      term_string(T, "f(1,2)").    (gives T=f(1,2)).
      term_string(f(1,2),L).       (gives L="f(1, 2)").
      term_string(f(1,2),"f(1, 2)").
      term_string(atom,S).         (gives S="atom").
      term_string(.(a,.(1,[])),S). (gives S="[a, 1]").
      term_string(T,S).            (gives T=_g94; S="_g94").

Fail: term_string(2.6,"2.5").

      term_string(T,atom).              (Error 5).
      [eclipse]: term_string(T,"F(1,2)").  % String not a string
      F(1,2)                               % of a prolog term
       ^ (here?)
      syntax error: unexpected token
      string contains unexpected characters in term_string(T, "F(1,2)")

See Also

integer_atom / 2, number_string / 2, string_list / 2, split_string / 4