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current_op(?Precedence, ?Associativity, ?Name)

Succeeds if Name is a visible operator with precedence Precedence and associativity Associativity.
Integer or variable.
Atom or variable.
Atom or variable.


Used to check for the existence of a visible operator of precedence Precedence with name Name and associativity Associativity. Alternative solutions are returned on backtracking.

Precedence is an integer in the range 1 to 1200.

Associativity must be one of the atoms

   xfx, xfy, yfx, fx, fy, xf, yf.

Fail Conditions

Fails if Name does not unify with an existing operator whose precedence unifies with Precedence and associativity with Associativity.




(5) type error
Precedence is not an integer.
(5) type error
Associativity is not one of the above atoms.
(5) type error
Name is instantiated but not to an atom.
(6) out of range
Precedence is not in the range 0 to 1200.


   current_op(300, fx, *).

   [eclipse]: current_op(P, A, +).
   P = 500
   A = fx     More? (;)
   P = 500
   A = yfx     More? (;)   % RETURN pressed

   current_op(10, fx, noop).

   current_op(prec, fx, +).             (Error 5).
   current_op(100, fff, +).             (Error 5).
   current_op(100, fx, bad(op)).        (Error 5).
   current_op(-1, fx, +).               (Error 6).

See Also

op / 3