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subcall(+Goal, ?Delayed_goals)

Succeeds iff Goal succeeds and unifies Delayed_goals with a list of remaining delayed goals.
Atom or compound term.
Variable or list.


Calls the goal Goal. When Goal succeeds, Delayed_goals is unified with a list of goals that were delayed, but not resumed during execution of Goal. These goals, together with the variable bindings in Goal, can be regarded as a qualified answer to Goal. I.e. Goal is true under the condition that the conjunction of delayed goals is also true.

Note that, after exiting from subcall/2, the goals collected in Delayed_goals do no longer exist as delayed goals.

Fail Conditions

Fails if Goal fails, or if Delayed_goals does not unify with the returned list of goals.




(4) instantiation fault
Goal is not instantiated.
(5) type error
Goal is neither an atom nor a compound term.
(68) calling an undefined procedure
Goal is an undefined procedure.


    [eclipse]: X > 0, subcall(X < 5, DG).

    X = X
    DG = [X < 5]

    Delayed goals:
    X > 0
    [eclipse]: subcall( (X > 0, Y > 0, X = 3) , DG).

    Y = Y
    X = 3
    DG = [Y > 0]

    subcall(fail, _).
    subcall(Var, D).                (Error 4).
    subcall(3, D).                  (Error 5).
    subcall(foo(a), D).             (Error 68).

See Also

call / 1, @ / 2, : / 2, call_priority / 2