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writeq(+Stream, ?Term)

The term Term is written on the output stream Stream in a form that can be read in.
Integer (stream number) or Atom (reserved or user-defined symbolic stream name).
Prolog term.


Used to write the term Term on the output stream Stream according to the current operator declarations. Atoms and strings are quoted, operator expressions parenthesised (whenever necessary) and the (stream-specific or global) print_depth flag is not taken into account. The output of writeq/2 can be read back, provided that the same operator declarations are in effect at write and read time. writeq(S, Term) is equivalent to printf(S, "%QDvw", Term).

Note that as usual, the output is buffered, so it may need to be flushed either by closing the stream, by writing again or by using flush/1.

Note also that although it is possible to print suspensions and external handles, these are printed in their printed representation as Prolog terms with functors such as 'BAG' (for bag objects). They will be read back in as such Prolog terms, rather than as their original type.

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
Stream is not instantiated.
(5) type error
Stream is not an atom or an integer.
(192) illegal stream mode
Stream is not an output stream.
(193) illegal stream specification
Stream is an illegal stream specification.


      [eclipse]: writeq(output, "string"),nl(output),
      > writeq(output, head:-body).
      head :- body

      [eclipse]: writeq(*(^(1,2),+(3,4))).
      1 ^ 2 * (3 + 4)
      writeq(S, a(b,c)).        (Error 4).
      writeq("string", a(b,c)). (Error 5).
      writeq(9, X + 2).         (Error 192).
      writeq(atom, X + 2).      (Error 193).

See Also

write / 1, write / 2, writeq / 1