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set_stream_property(+Stream, +Prop, +Value)

Sets the property Prop of the stream Stream to the value Value.
Atom or integer denoting an open stream.
atom, string or integer.


Used to set various stream properties:

    Prop            Value         Description

    compress        on, off       a hint for output operations (e.g.
                                  write_exdr/2) to use a more compact
                                  output format (output streams only).
                                  Default: on (file,pipe,socket) or off.

    end_of_line     lf, crlf      which end-of-line sequence to write

    event           atom          event on writing to empty stream
                                  (see open/4)
    flush           flush,        explicit or implicit flushing

    macro_expansion on, off       expand term macros (input streams only)

    offset          integer       current position in the
                                  stream, same as seek/2

    output_options  list          default output options for all term
                                  output on this stream. The list
                                  format is as in write_term/2,3.

    prompt          string        prompt string (input streams only)

    prompt_stream   integer       output stream for the prompt
                    or atom       (input streams only)

    sigio           on, off       enable/disable SIGIO signals on
                                  this stream (UNIX only)

    yield           on, off       yield on end-of-file (see open/4)

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
Stream, Prop or Value is not instantiated.
(5) type error
Stream is neither an atom nor an integer.
(5) type error
Prop is instantiated, but not to an atom.
(5) type error
Value is of the wrong type for the given property.
(6) out of range
Prop is an atom, but not a settable property.
(6) out of range
Value is not recognised for the given property.
(193) illegal stream specification
Stream does not denote an open stream.


    set_stream_property(input, prompt, "hello: ").
    set_stream_property(Stream, flush, end_of_line).
    set_stream_property(Stream, end_of_line, crlf).

See Also

open / 3, open / 4, current_stream / 1, seek / 2, get_stream_info / 3, write_term / 2, write_term / 3