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remote_connect_accept(++Peer, ++Socket, ++TimeOut, ?InitGoal, +PassTerm, -InitRes)

Second half of initiating a remote interface connection.
Remote peer name (atom)
Server socket stream number (integer)
Time out interval (atomic)
Initialisation Goal (goal or variable)
`PassTerm' for authenticating connection (term)
Result of executing the InitGoal (variable)


This predicate completes the remote interface connection started by remote_connect_setup/3, which must be called before. The Peer and Socket arguments should be the same as those in the call to remote_connect_setup/3.

This predicate will accept the remote socket stream connections according to the remote interface protocol described in the embedding and interfacing manual. Peer is the name of the new remote peer. TimeOut is used to specify the amount of time, in seconds, that the predicate will wait for the remote connection. If TimeOut is the atom block, then it will wait indefinitely for the connection from the remote process. The predicate will fail if the interval specified in TimeOut has elapsed while waiting for any of the connections with the remote side (including any subsequent peer queue connections). PassTerm is used for a simple authentication of the remote process: once the control connection is established, but before the rest of the creation of the ec_rpc link, the remote process must send a ECLiPSe term that matches (the comparison is performed using ==/2) PassTerm. If the terms fail to match, then the connection is closed and an out of range exception raised. The term is specified in EXDR format on the remote side. With the Tcl remote interface, the command to establish the connection sends a default PassTerm that is the empty string. This can be overridden by the programmer with a more complicated term. After establishing the connection, InitGoal will be executed to perform any user-defined initialisation on the ECLiPSe side, before any further interactions between the two sides. The result of executing the goal is passed back in InitRes; InitRes is set to fail and throw respectively if the goal fails or throws an exception.

The socket server Socket will be closed upon successful completion of the connection. It will also be closed if the predicate times out.

Once the connection is established, the optional user initialisation is performed on the ECLiPSe side before any further interactions. This is specified by InitGoal: If InitGoal is not a variable, it gives the goal that will be executed for the initialisation. If InitGoal is a variable, then no user initialisation is done before the two sides can interact. The result of executing the goal is returned in InitRes: the goal with its bindings if it was successful, the atom fail if the goal failed, and the atom throw if an exception occurred. InitRes should be uninstantiated initially; otherwise, InitGoal will not be executed.

After the optional initialisation, the remote interface is established. Initially, the remote side has control, and the predicate will block, and returns when the remote side hands over control.

Fail Conditions

TimeOut second has elapsed without a connection request; Peer is not a remote peer name which is waiting to complete a remote connection.




(1) general error
PassTerm fails to match the term sent by the remote side.
(6) out of range
Handshaking timed-out after 100 seconds.
(141) unimplemented functionality
The remote protocols of the remote and ECLiPSe sides are incompatible.
(193) illegal stream specification
Socket is not a valid server socket.

See Also

remote_connect_setup / 3, remote_disconnect / 1, remote_yield / 1, remote_connect / 3