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peer_queue_get_property(++Queue, ?Property, ?Value)

Get or enumerate properties of a peer queue Queue.
Peer queue (atom or integer).
Queue property name (atom or variable).
Value of property Property.

Calling Modes


Get or enumerate properties of a peer queue Queue. If Property is a variable, the properties of the queue will be enumerated on backtracking. Otherwise, if Property is a property name, the value for that property for Queue is unified with Value. The properties are:

     type       type of queue:
                  sync(SId):  synchronous queue 
                                 SId is Socket Id for remote peers, 
                                        Stream Id for the embedded peer
		  async:      asynchronous queue
     direction  direction of queue:
                  fromec:   from ECLiPSe to remote 
                  toec:     to ECLiPSe from remote
                  bidirect: bidirectional
     peer_type  type of the peer that Queue belongs to:
                  embed  : for embedded peer
                  remote : for remote peer
     peer_name  name of the peer that Queue belongs to.

Fail Conditions

Queue is not a current peer queue.



See Also

peer_queue_create / 5, peer_queue_close / 1