[ External Interface | The ECLiPSe Built-In Predicates | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]

external(+PredSpec, +CName)

Defines PredSpec to be a deterministic external predicate linked to the C function whose system name is CName.
Of the form Atom/Integer (predicate name/arity).
Atom or string.


Declares PredSpec to be a deterministic external predicate (in the caller module) linked to the ``C'' function whose system name is CName.

If the visibility of PredSpec is not declared, it is set to local.

If necessary, an underscore is prepended to CName to get its form as used by the C compiler.

If a call to PredSpec has already been compiled as a Prolog call or a non-deterministic external call, error 62 is raised (``inconsistent procedure redefinition''). This can be prevented by defining the external before compiling any call to it or by using the declaration predicate external/1.

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
Either PredSpec or CName is not instantiated.
(5) type error
PredSpec is not of the form Atom/Integer.
(5) type error
CName is not an atom or a string.
(62) inconsistent procedure redefinition
A call to PredSpec has already been compiled as a Prolog call or a non-deterministic external call.
(211) External function does not exist
External function does not exist.


Assume we have the C++ file eg_cc_external.cc:

    #include "eclipseclass.h"
    extern "C" int
	int res;
	long x, sum = 0;
	EC_word list(EC_arg(1));
	EC_word car,cdr;

	for ( ; list.is_list(car,cdr) == EC_succeed; list = cdr)
	    res = car.is_long(&x);
	    if (res != EC_succeed) return res;
	    sum += x;
	res = list.is_nil();
	if (res != EC_succeed) return res;
	return unify(EC_arg(2), EC_word(sum));

Compile that into a dynamic library, e.g. using g++ on a Linux machine:

    g++ -I/usr/local/eclipse/include/i386_linux -shared \
    	-o eg_cc_external.so eg_cc_external.cc

Load the .so file dynamically into Eclipse and declare the external:

      ?- load('eg_cc_external.so').

      ?- external(sumlist/2, p_sumlist).

      ?- sumlist([1,2,3,4,5],S).
      S = 15

      external(PredSpec, "p_member"). (Error 4).
      external(p/0, S).               (Error 4).
      external('p/0', p_p0).          (Error 5).
      external(p/0, 123).             (Error 5).
      external(prmsg/1, nosuchfunc).  (Error 211).

      ?- [user].
       p :- a.
       user   compiled 32 bytes in 0.00 seconds
      ?- external(a/0, c_a).   (Error 62).

See Also

external / 1, load / 1