[ Event Handling | The ECLiPSe Built-In Predicates | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]

set_interrupt_handler(+IntId, +PredSpec)

Sets an interrupt handler PredSpec for the interrupt IntId
Integer or atom.
Term of the form Atom/Integer.


Assigns the procedure specified by PredSpec as the interrupt handler for the interrupt whose name or number is given by IntId.

See the ECLiPSe User Manual for details on the operation of interrupt handlers.

The interrupt handlers of the following interrupts cannot be modified, since they cannot be caught by ECLiPSe .

    No. Code     Description  Example
    9   SIGKILL  kill         kill process from keyboard
    17  SIGSTOP  stop         cannot be caught, blocked, ignored
The interrupts which can be caught or trapped are implementation defined.

The following interrupt handlers have a special meaning and can be used even with the embedded library version of Eclipse:

    Handler     Meaning
    -------     -------
    true/0      ignore the interrupt (SIG_IGN).
    default/0   take the default operating system action when the
                interrupt occurs (SIG_DFL).
    event/1     handle the signal by posting a (synchronous) event. The
                symbolic name of the interrupt will be used as the event name.
    throw/1     invoke exit_block/1 with the interrupt's symbolic name.
    abort/0     invoke exit_block(abort)
    halt/0      halt Eclipse and terminate the process
    internal/0  the signal is used by Eclipse to implement internal
                functionality (e.g. profiler)
All other handler specifications cause the specified predicate to be called in a nested invocation of the Eclipse engine. This is not supported on some hardware/OS platforms, e.g. Windows.

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
Either IntId or PredSpec is not instantiated.
(5) type error
IntId is not an atom or integer.
(5) type error
PredSpec is neither a variable nor of the form Atom/Integer.
(6) out of range
IntId is not a valid interrupt name or number.
(6) out of range
PredSpec is of the form Atom/Integer, but the integer is greater than 3.
(60) referring to an undefined procedure
PredSpec is of the form Atom/Integer, but no such predicate has been defined.
(170) system interface error
The interrupt cannot be caught.


    [eclipse]: get_interrupt_handler(alrm,M,N).
    M = event / 1
    N = sepia_kernel
    [eclipse]: set_interrupt_handler(alrm,true/0), interrupt(alrm).
    [eclipse]: kill(0, alrm).
    [eclipse]: get_interrupt_handler(alrm,M,N).
    M = true / 0
    N = sepia_kernel

    [eclipse]: [user].
     a :- write(log_output, "interrupt 16"), fail.
     user compiled 136 bytes in 0.00 seconds
    [eclipse]: set_interrupt_handler(16,a/0).
    [eclipse]: kill(0, 16).
    interrupt 16

    set_interrupt_handler(N,true/0).    (Error 4).
    set_interrupt_handler(15,P).        (Error 4).
    set_interrupt_handler(15.0,true/0). (Error 5).
    set_interrupt_handler(1000,X).      (Error 6).
    set_interrupt_handler(-1,X).        (Error 6).
    set_interrupt_handler(6,a/4).       (Error 6).  % arity > 3.
    set_interrupt_handler(6,t/2).       (Error 60). % no t/2.
    set_interrupt_handler(9,true/0).    (Error 170).
    set_interrupt_handler(17,true/0).   (Error 170).

See Also

event / 1, set_event_handler / 2, current_interrupt / 2, get_interrupt_handler / 3