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shelf_get(+ShelfHandle, +Index, -Term)

Retrieve a stored term from a shelf object
A shelf handle
An integer
An arbitrary term or a variable


This retrieves a copy of the stored term from the Index'th slot of the shelf object denoted by ShelfHandle.

The slots are numbered from 1 to the maximum which was determined during shelf creation (but note that ECLiPSe's struct-syntax can be used to give the slots symbolic names, see struct/1).

Calling shelf_get/3 with an Index of 0 retrieves the whole shelf with all its slots as a single compound term whose functor corresponds to the one that was given during shelf creation.

Storing and retrieving terms from a shelf involves copying the term each time, similar to what happens in setval/getval and record/recorded. In particular, if the term contains variables, they lose their identity and are replaced with fresh ones.

Fail Conditions





(4) instantiation fault
ShelfHandle is not instantiated
(5) type error
Index is not instantiated
(5) type error
ShelfHandle is not a shelf
(5) type error
Index is not an integer
(6) out of range
Index is negative or greater than the number of slots on the shelf
(40) stale object handle
ShelfHandle refers to an already destroyed shelf


For examples see shelf_create/2,3.

See Also

shelf_create / 2, shelf_create / 3, shelf_set / 3, shelf_abolish / 1, struct / 1