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+Expr1 >= +Expr2

Succeed if the value of Expr1 is greater than or equal to the value of Expr2.
An arithmetic expression
An arithmetic expression


Both arguments are evaluated and their types adjusted. Then the resulting numbers are compared. The predicate succeeds if the value of Expr1 is greater than or equal to the value of Expr2. If the system is in coroutining mode and the arguments are not ground, this predicate delays until the expressions are fully instantiated.

The predicate also delays when the comparison involves bounded reals, and the compared values overlap such that the result is undecidable.

Fail Conditions

fails if the value of Expr1 is less than the value of Expr2




(4) instantiation fault
Expr1 or Expr2 is a variable (non-coroutining mode only).
(5) type error
Expr1 or Expr2 is not an arithmetic expression.


   5 - 1 >= 6 / 2.
   1 >= sin(pi/2).       % 1 converted to 1.0
   2 + 3 >= 2 * 3.
   _ >= 10.              (Error 4)
   "s" >= 10.            (Error 5)

See Also

suspend : >= / 2, eplex : >= / 2, ria : >= / 2, range_eplex : >= / 2, ic : >= / 2, colgen : >= / 2, is / 2, =:= / 2, =\= / 2, < / 2, > / 2, =< / 2