Translating Fundamental Program Structures to Assembly

Flow Charting

In the 1960s, programmers tended to write what we today call spaghetti code: code with an obscure flow of control, in which branches tended to be both from and to places in the code that were convenient regardless of the effect on the overall flow of the program. ``Flow charting'' was developed as a means of trying to visualize the flow of a program. There was quite a language of flow charting; we are only interested in two symbols: the process and the decision.
A process is simply a sequence of events with a single entry point and a single exit point. The simplest process is a single instruction.
A decision is just what the name implies: a decision is made as to whether there should be a branch in the flow of control.

Fundamental Forms

When structured programming was a new programming methodology (early 1970s), Dijkstra observed that any algorithm can be described by using nested sequences of just three fundamental forms defined in terms of processes and sequences. Each of these forms is itself a process. The forms are:
A sequence is a series of processes with no branches between them.
An if-then-else is a decision and two sub-processes. Either of the sub-sequences may be empty.
The While-Do is a a decision and a process; the process is executed over and over again while the condition remains true (the text refers to this form as a do-while; due to the fact that a repeat is a control structure in C that conforms to the do-until structure in the text, I want to call it a While-Do like a while loop in C where the condition is at the top).

Using the languages in common use at the time, writing structured code required quite a bit of discipline on the part of the programmer. Using modern languages, the mechanics of writing structured code are taken care of for you, since the sort of nested control structures provided by modern procedural languages reflect these fundamental forms (as well as extensions such as break and continue statements, and C for and switch statements).

An historical aside to mention here is that one of the reasons programmers gave at the time for objecting to structured programming was that they felt that they could better optimize their code if they had the freedom to write spaghetti code. Today, compilers can optimize code better than people can, and are best able to work with structured code.

We can translate a program written in a high level language into assembly code by recognizing the fundamental forms that are present in the code, and translating them into assembly code.