ICCS 2001 Workshop

Final Set of Graphs for Download

This is the final set of graphs that each submitted tool must process. The graphs have to do with the basic Blocks World domain. Each block has a color and a shape. The blocks can be placed on a table or on top of another block by the use of a hand. When placed on a table or on top of another block, the block now has a location. Each level file is in CGIF format with increasing complexity. Each of these files contain the CGIF format that conforms to the updated standard done by NMSU.

Level 1

In this level file, final_graphs_level1.cgf, is contained basic level graphs with comments that are in a multi-graphs file in the CGStream format. There are no extended CGIF syntax, no hierarchies, no lambda expressions, no KB, fully defined types and referents, and contains whitespace for readability. A tool that can parse the basic graphs should be able to parse all of these graphs.

Level 2

In this level file, final_graphs_level2.cgf, is contained basic level graphs with comments that are in a multi-graphs file in the CGStream format. There are also basic hierarchy graphs and extended CGIF syntax graphs. This file still contains no lambda expressions, no KB, fully defined types and referents, and whitespace for readability. All tools for the CGTools workshop need to be able to read this file.

Level 3

In this level file, final_graphs_level3.cgf, is contained a basic Knowledge Base graph with comments. There are hierarchies, lambda expression definitional graphs, catalog of individuals and assertions. This file also contains fully defined types and referents, and whitespace for readability. A good tool will be able to parse and use this knowledge base.

Level 4

In this level file, final_graphs_level4.cgf, is contained a compliant Knowledge Base CGIF graph with comments. Whitespace is present for readablility and comments, but is not necessary. A compliant CGIF tool will be able to use this knowledge base.

Level 5

In this level file, final_graphs_level5.cgf, is contained a totally compliant Knowledge Base CGIF format graph. Because there is no whitespaces in it, there are also no comments because comments kind-of need whitespace. A very good tool will be able to use this file.

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