Next: About this document
Up: Adventures in Parallel Logic
Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
S. Abramski and C. Hankin, editors.
Abstract Interpretation of Declarative Languages.
Ellis-Horwood, 1987.
- 2
H. Ait-Kaci.
Warren's Abstract Machine: a Tutorial Reconstruction.
MIT Press, 1991.
- 3
Uri Baron Et Al.
The parallel ecrc prolog system pepsys: An overview and evaluation
In FGCS '88, pages 841-850, 1988.
- 4
K.A.M. Ali and R. Karlsson.
The Muse Or-parallel Prolog Model and its Performance.
In 1990 N. American Conf. on Logic Prog. MIT Press, 1990.
- 5
K.A.M. Ali and R. Karlsson.
Full Prolog and Scheduling Or-parallelism in Muse.
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1991.
- 6
K.A.M. Ali and R. Karlsson.
Scheduling Speculative Work in MUSE and Performance
Technical report, SICS, 1993.
- 7
G.S. Almasi and A. Gottlieb.
Highly Parallel Computing.
Benjamin/Cummings, 1994.
- 8
S. Haridi B. Hausman, A. Ciepielewski.
OR-Parallel Prolog Made Efficient on Shared Memory
In IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, 1987.
- 9
R. Bahgat and S. Gregory.
Pandora: Non-deterministic Parallel Logic Programming.
In G.Levi and M.Martelli, editors, Proc. of the 6th
International Conference on Logic Porgramming. MIT Press, 1990.
- 10
T. Beaumont and D.H.D. Warren.
Scheduling Speculative Work in Or-Parallel Prolog Systems.
In 10th Int'l Conference on Logic Programming, pages 135-149.
MIT Press, 1993.
- 11
Constraint Logic Programming.
MIT Press, 1993.
- 12
M. Bruynooghe and G. Janssens.
An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type
and Mode Inference.
In 5th Int. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Prog., pages 669-683.
MIT Press, August 1988.
- 13
D. Cabeza and M. Hermenegildo.
Extracting Non-strict Independent And-parallelism Using
Sharing and Freeness Information.
Technical report, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Politecnica de
Madrid, 1994.
- 14
S.-E. Chang and Y. P. Chiang.
Restricted AND-Parallelism Execution Model with
In Ewing L. Lusk and Ross A. Overbeek, editors, Proceedings of
the North American Conference on Logic Programming, pages 350-368, 1989.
- 15
K. Clark and S. Gregory.
Parlog: Parallel Programming in Logic.
Research Report Doc 83/5, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of
Science and Technology, May 1983.
University of London.
- 16
A. Colmeraur.
The birth of prolog.
In Second ACM-SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages
Conference, 1993.
- 17
J. S. Conery.
The And/Or Process Model for Parallel Interpretation of Logic
PhD thesis, The University of California At Irvine, 1983.
Technical Report 204.
- 18
J. S. Conery.
Parallel Execution of Logic Programs.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Ma 02061, 1987.
- 19
V. Santos Costa.
Improving the binding arrays model.
private communication.
- 20
V. Santos Costa.
Compile-time Analysis for Parallel Execution of Logic
Programs in Andorra-I.
PhD thesis, University of Bristol, August 1993.
- 21
V. Santos Costa, D.H.D. Warren, and R. Yang.
Andorra-I: A Parallel Prolog System that Transparently
Exploits both And- and Or-parallelism.
In Proc. 3rd ACM SIGPLAN PPoPP, 1990.
- 22
P. Cousot and R. Cousot.
Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for
Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of
In Conf. Rec. 4th Acm Symp. on Prin. of Programming
Languages, pages 238-252, 1977.
- 23
J. Crammond.
The Abstract Machine and Implementation of Parallel
Research report, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science and
Technology, July 1990.
- 24
S. Debray D. Gudeman, K. De Bosschere.
jc: An Efficient and Portable Sequential Implementation of
In Procs. of the Joint International Conference and Symposium on
Logic Programming. MIT Press, 1992.
- 25
S. Debray.
The SB-Prolog System, Version 2.3.2: A User's Manual.
Technical Report 87-15, Dept. of Computer Science, University of
Arizona, March 1988.
- 26
S. Debray and M. Jain.
A Simple Program Transformation for Parallelism.
In Proc. of the 1994 Symposium on Logic Programming. MIT Press,
- 27
S. K. Debray and D. S. Warren.
Automatic Mode Inference for Prolog Programs.
Journal of Logic Programming, pages 207-229, September 1988.
- 28
S.K. Debray and N.W. Lin.
Cost Analysis of Logic Programs.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 15(5),
- 29
D. DeGroot.
Restricted AND-Parallelism.
In Int'l Conf. on 5th Generation Computer Systems, pages
471-478. Tokyo, Nov. 1984.
- 30
B. Demoen and G. Maris.
A comparison of some schemes for translating logic to C.
In ICLP94 Post-conference workshop on Parallel and Data Parallel
Execution of Logic Programs. Uppsala University, 1994.
- 31
N. Drakos.
Unrestricted And-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs
with Dependency Directed Backtracking.
In Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1989.
- 32
I. Dutra.
Distributing And- and Or-Work in the Andorra-I
Parallel Logic Programming System.
PhD thesis, University of Bristol, 1995.
- 33
H.B. Enderton.
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic.
Academic Press, 1972.
- 34
B. S. Fagin.
A Parallel Execution Model for Prolog.
PhD thesis, The University of California at Berkeley, November 1987.
Technical Report UCB/CSD 87/380.
- 35
I. Foster and S. Tuecke.
Parallel Programming with PCN.
Argonne National Laboratory, January 1993.
- 36
M. Carlsson G. Gupta, K.M. Ali and M.V. Hermenegildo.
Parallel execution of prolog programs: a survey.
Journal of Logic Programming, 1995.
to appear.
- 37
J. Gabriel, T. Lindholm, E. L. Lusk, and R. A. Overbeek.
A tutorial on the warren abstract machine for computational logic.
Research Paper ANL-84-84, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1985.
- 38
G. Gazdar and C. Mellish.
Natural Language Processing in Prolog.
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
- 39
D. Gelernter.
Generative communication in linda.
ACM Transactions on Programming Language Systems, 7(1), 1985.
- 40
G. Gupta.
Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs.
Kluwer Academic Press, 1994.
- 41
G. Gupta and V. Santos Costa.
Cuts and Side-effects in And/Or Parallel Prolog.
Journal of Logic Programming, 1995.
to appear.
- 42
G. Gupta, V. Santos Costa, and E. Pontelli.
A Systematic Approach to Exploiting Implicit Parallelism
in Prolog Using Shared Paged Binding Arrays.
Technical report, Dept. of Computer Science, New Mexico State
University, 1994.
- 43
G. Gupta, V. Santos Costa, and E. Pontelli.
Shared Paged Binding Arrays: A Universal Data-structure
for Parallel Logic Programming.
Proc. NSF/ICOT Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming and
its Environments, CIS-94-04, University of Oregon, Mar. 1994.
- 44
G. Gupta, V. Santos Costa, R. Yang, and M. Hermenegildo.
IDIOM: A Model Intergrating Dependent-, Independent-, and
Technical report, University of Bristol, March 1991.
- 45
G. Gupta, M. Hermenegildo, and V. Santos Costa.
And-or parallel prolog: A recomputation based approach.
New Generation Computing, 11(3,4):297-322, 1993.
- 46
G. Gupta, M. Hermenegildo, and E. Pontelli.
&ACE: A High-performance Parallel Prolog System.
In IPPS 95. IEEE Computer Society, Santa Barbara, CA, April
- 47
G. Gupta, M. Hermenegildo, E. Pontelli, and V. Santos Costa.
ACE: And/Or-parallel Copying-based Execution of Logic Programs.
In Proc. ICLP'94, pages 93-109. MIT Press, 1994.
- 48
G. Gupta and B. Jayaraman.
Analysis of or-parallel execution models.
ACM TOPLAS, 15(4):659-680, 1993.
- 49
G. Gupta and B. Jayaraman.
And-or parallelism on shared memory multiprocessors.
Journal of Logic Programming, 17(1):59-89, 1993.
- 50
Seif Haridi and Sverker Janson.
Kernel Andorra Prolog and its Computation Model.
In Proc. 7th Int'l Conf. on Logic Prog. MIT Press, 1990.
- 51
B. Hausman.
Turbo Erlang: approaching the speed of C.
In G. Succi E. Tick, editor, Implementations of Logic
Programming Systems. Kluwer, 1994.
- 52
P. Van Hentenryck.
Constraint Handling in Prolog.
MIT Press, 1988.
- 53
M. Hermenegildo.
Abstract Interpretation and its Applications.
Tutorial 2, Advanced School on Foundations of Logic Programming,
University of Pisa, Italy, September 1990.
- 54
M. Hermenegildo.
Towards Efficient Parallel Implementation of Concurrent
Constraint Logic Programming.
In T. Chikayama and E. Tick, editors, Proc. of ICOT/NFS Workshop
on Parallel Logic Programming and its Programming Environments. University
of Oregon, 1994.
- 55
M. Hermenegildo and K. Greene.
&-Prolog and its Performance: Exploiting Independent
In 1990 Int'l Conf. on Logic Prog., pages 253-268. MIT
Press, June 1990.
- 56
M. Hermenegildo and F. Rossi.
Strict and Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism in
Logic Programs: Correctness, Efficiency, and Compile-Time
Technical Report ACA-ST-537-89, Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corporation (MCC), Austin, TX 78759, November 1989.
- 57
M. Hermenegildo and F. Rossi.
Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism.
In 1990 International Conference on Logic Programming, pages
237-252. MIT Press, June 1990.
- 58
M. V. Hermenegildo.
An Abstract Machine Based Execution Model for Computer
Architecture Design and Efficient Implementation of Logic Programs in
PhD thesis, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Dept. of
Computer Science TR-86-20), University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
78712, August 1986.
- 59
M. V. Hermenegildo.
An Abstract Machine for Restricted AND-parallel Execution
of Logic Programs.
In Proc. 3rd ICLP, LNCS 225, pages 25-40. Springer-Verlag,
- 60
M. V. Hermenegildo and R. I. Nasr.
Efficient Management of Backtracking in AND-parallelism.
In Third International Conference on Logic Programming, number
225 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 40-55. Imperial College,
Springer-Verlag, July 1986.
- 61
P.M. Hill and J.W. Lloyd.
The Goedel Programming Language.
MIT Press, 1994.
- 62
L. Huelsbergen and J.R. Larus.
Dynamic Program Parallelization.
In Lisp and Functional Programming. Association for Computing
Machinery, 1992.
- 63
S. Janson.
AKL: a Multiparadigm Programming Language.
PhD thesis, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1994.
- 64
Sverker Janson and Seif Haridi.
Programming Paradigms of the Andorra Kernel Language.
Technical Report PEPMA Project, SICS, Box 1263, S-164 28 KISTA,
Sweden, November 1990.
- 65
L. Kale.
Parallel Execution of Logic Programs: the REDUCE-OR
Process Model.
In Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming, pages
616-632. Melbourne, Australia, May 1987.
- 66
P.H.J. Kelly.
Functional Programming for Loosely-coupled Multiprocessors.
MIT Press, 1989.
- 67
Y. Kimura and T. Chikayama.
An Abstract KL1 Machine and its Instruction Set.
In International Symposium on Logic Programming, pages
468-477. San Francisco, IEEE Computer Society, August 1987.
- 68
F. Kluzniak.
Developing Applications for Aurora Or-parallel System.
Technical Report TR-90-17, Dept. of Computer Science, University of
Bristol, 1990.
- 69
A. Krall and U. Neumerkel.
The Vienna Abstract Machine.
In Proc. of Symposium on Programming Languages Implementation
and Logic Programming. Springer Verlag, 1990.
- 70
Jean Louis Lassez and Joxan Jaffar.
Constraint logic programming.
In Proc. 14th ACM POPL, 1987.
- 71
T.G. Lewis and H. El-Rewini.
Introduction to Parallel Computing.
Prentice-Hall, 1992.
- 72
Y. J. Lin and V. Kumar.
AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs on a Shared
Memory Multiprocessor: A Summary of Results.
In Fifth International Conference and Symposium on Logic
Programming, pages 1123-1141. University of Washington, MIT Press, August
- 73
J. W. Lloyd.
Logic Programming.
Springer-Verlag, 1984.
- 74
E. Lusk and al.
The Aurora Or-parallel Prolog System.
New Generation Computing, 7(2,3), '90.
- 75
K. Marriot M. García de la Banda, M. Hermenegildo.
Independence in constraint logic programming.
In Proc. of the 1993 International Symposium on Logic
Programming. MIT Press, 1993.
- 76
M. Carro M. Hermenegildo, D. Cabeza.
Using Attributed Variables in the Implementation of
Parallel and Concurrent Logic Programming Systems.
In Proc. of the International Conference on Logic Programming,
- 77
C.S. Mellish.
Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs.
In Third International Conference on Logic Programming, number
225 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 463-475. Imperial College,
Springer-Verlag, July 1986.
- 78
K. Muthukumar and M. Hermenegildo.
Efficient Methods for Supporting Side Effects in
Independent And-parallelism and Their Backtracking Semantics.
Technical Report ACA-ST-031-89, Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corporation (MCC), Austin, TX 78759, January 1989.
- 79
K. Muthukumar and M. Hermenegildo.
Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program
Variables Through Abstract Interpretation.
In 1991 International Conference on Logic Programming. MIT
Press, June 1991.
- 80
S.L. Peyton-Jones.
The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages.
Prentice-Hall, 1987.
- 81
E. Pontelli and G. Gupta.
Incremental Exploitation of Parallelism in Prolog.
In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Systems. ISCA, 1995.
- 82
E. Pontelli and G. Gupta.
On the Duality Between And-parallelism and Or-parallelism.
In Proc. of Euro-Par'95. Springer Verlag, 1995.
- 83
E. Pontelli, G. Gupta, and D. Tang.
Determinacy Driven Optimizations of Parallel Prolog
In Proc. of the Int'l Conference on Logic Programming 95. MIT
Press, 1995.
- 84
E. Pontelli, G. Gupta, D. Tang, M. Carro, and M. Hermenegildo.
Efficient Implementation of Independent And Parallelism.
Technical report, New Mexico State University, 1994.
- 85
V. Santos Costa R. Yang, I. Dutra.
Parallel Execution of Prolog on Multiprocessor
Architectures: Design of the Andorra-I system.
Technical report, University of Bristol, 1991.
- 86
B. Ramkumar.
Distributed Last Call Optimization for Portable Parallel
Prolog Systems.
ACM Letters on Prog. Languages and Systems, 3(1), 1992.
- 87
B. Ramkumar and L. V. Kale.
Compiled Execution of the Reduce-OR Process Model on
In Proc. NACLP'89, pages 313-331. MIT Press, 1989.
- 88
B. Ramkumar and L.V. Kale.
Machine Independent AND and OR Parallel Execution of
Logic Programs. Part i and ii.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2(5).
- 89
J. A. Robinson.
A Machine Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution
Journal of the ACM, 12(23):23-41, January 1965.
- 90
P. Van Roy.
Can Logic Programming Execute as Fast as Imperative
Programming ?
PhD thesis, U.C. Berkeley, 1990.
- 91
Vijay Saraswat.
Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming.
MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1989.
- 92
E.Y. Shapiro, editor.
Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers.
MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1987.
- 93
K. Shen.
Exploiting Dependent And-parallelism in Prolog: The
Dynamic Dependent And-parallel Scheme.
In Proc. Joint Int'l Conf. and Symp. on Logic Prog. MIT
Press, 1992.
- 94
K. Shen.
Studies in And/Or Parallelism in Prolog.
PhD thesis, U. of Cambridge, 1992.
- 95
K. Shen.
Improving the Execution of the Dependent And-parallel
Prolog DDAS.
In Proc. of PARLE 94, 1994.
- 96
K. Shen and M. Hermenegildo.
A Simulation Study of Or- and Independent
In Proc. 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium. MIT
Press, 1991.
- 97
K. Shen and M. Hermenegildo.
A Flexible Stack Memory Management Scheme for
Non-Deterministic, And-parallel Execution of Logic Programs.
Technical report, Facultad de Informatica, U. P. Madrid, 28660
Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, January 1993.
- 98
B. Shriver and P. Wegner.
Research Directions in Object-oriented Programming.
MIT Press, 1987.
- 99
R. Sindaha.
The Dharma Scheduler -- Definitive Scheduling in Aurora on
Multiprocessor Architecture.
In Proc. of ILPS'93, 1993.
- 100
L. Sterling and E.Y. Shapiro.
The Art of Prolog.
MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1994.
- 101
V.S. Sunderam.
Pvm: a framework for parallel distributed computing.
Concurrency: Practice & Experience, 2(4), 1990.
- 102
P. Szeredi.
Exploiting or-parallelism in Optimization Problems.
In Proc. of Joint International Conference and Symposium on
Logic Programming. MIT Press, 1992.
- 103
D. Sekita T. Chikayama, T. Fujise.
A Portable and Efficient Implementation of KL1.
In ICOT/NSF Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming and its
Programming Environments. University of Oregon, 1994.
- 104
A. Takeuchi.
Parallel Logic Programming.
Kluwer, 1992.
- 105
P. Tarau.
The BinProlog Experience: Implementing a High-performance
Continuation Passing Prolog Engine.
Technical report, Département d'Informatique, Université de
Moncton, 1995.
- 106
A. Taylor.
LIPS on a MIPS: Results from a prolog compiler for a RISC.
Technical report, Association for Logic Programming, June 1990.
- 107
A. Taylor.
High-performance Prolog Implementation.
PhD thesis, Basser Dept. of COmputer Science, University of Sydney,
- 108
H. Tebra.
Optimistic And-Parallelism in Prolog.
In PARLE 87. Springer Verlag, 1987.
- 109
E. Tick and D. H. D. Warren.
Towards a Pipelined Prolog Processor.
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- 110
E. Tick and X. Zhong.
A Compile-time Granularity Analysis Algorithm and its
Performance Evaluation.
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- 111
P.C. Treleaven.
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- 112
K. Ueda.
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pages 140-156. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1987.
- 113
J. D. Ullman.
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Computer Science Press, Maryland, 1988.
- 114
D. H. D. Warren.
The Andorra Principle.
Presented at Gigalips workshop, 1987. Unpublished.
- 115
D. H. D. Warren.
The Extended Andorra Model with Implicit Control.
ICLP'90 Parallel Logic Programming workshop.
- 116
D. H. D. Warren.
An Abstract Prolog Instruction Set.
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International, 333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park CA 94025, 1983.
- 117
D.A. Watt.
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- 118
H. Westphal and P. Robert.
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- 119
M.J. Wise.
Prolog Multiprocessors.
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- 120
O. Wolfson and A. Ozeri.
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- 121
O. Wolfson and A. Silberschatz.
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- 122
T. Conway Z. Somogyi, F. Henderson.
The Implementation of Mercury, an Efficient Purely
Declarative Logic Programming Language.
In P. Tarau K. De Bosschere, B. Demoen, editor, ILPS'94
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- 123
H. Zima and B. Chapman.
Supercompilers for Parallel and Vector Computers.
ACM Press, 1991.
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