A Concise History of the Not In Mexico Show

Some trace the Not In Mexico show back many years. The first traces can be found when Damon Cook and Steven Ruybe worked together at a university math center. One semester, they worked side by side, handing out tests to students. They found a common interest in talking (much to the supervisor's chagrin). Sparked one day by a homosexual running for homecoming queen, Political Hour With Damon and Steve was born. Thereafter, each week, a political topic was chosen and dissected by these two great thinkers. Political topics such as gun control and gender differences during wartime created much interest among the other workers. In the end, Damon and Steve said, "Wouldn't it be cool if we had a radio show and did this crap on there?" Too soon, they would find out just how cool it really would be.

The Application
Semesters passed and the idea germinated in the minds of Damon and Steve. Eventually, Damon read an article in the campus newspaper that convinced hime to got off his butt. He went searching for what was required to get a show at the local campus radio station (KRUX). It turned out that only a short application was required. After spending a good amount of time filling out the application, the two emailed it in. Since I, Damon am writing this, I feel that I can say that it was the inclusion of my web address along with the application that got us the position. Our acceptance email said, "Nice webpage".

Some of the aforementioned emails have been recovered. You can view them here.

The Trials and Tribulations of the First Semester
We started the show in the spring of 2001. I, Damon, who am writing this webpage, came up with a great name for the show. Since it was Thursday nights, at midnight (when all of Las Cruces travels to Juarez), we dubbed the show "Not In Mexico". Our trademark opening, "It's Thursday night, and we are...NOT...IN...MEXICO" came from this fact. The format began as: 1/2 hour of Damon/Steven's music, 1/2 hour of attempted humor, 1/2 hour of the other DJ's music, 1/2 hour of required music. We brought on different guests each week. It was a great time. However, inexplicably, halfway through the semester, Steven stopped coming to the show. Damon was pretty pissed off, and to this day, the friendship between the two has not fully healed. No reasons were ever discussed for the sudden severing, leaving one to wonder "What did that jerk, Damon, do to piss off his co-host?" The world may never know.

The Second Semester : Freedom Not In Mexico continued in its coveted time-slot during the fall of 2001. Having discovered that the regulations were not enforced during the after-midnight hours, Damon felt new freedom with his show. This was the semester that brought about such great shows as "Indian Music Night" and "Jazz Night". Not to mention such memorable guests as "The Princess Sorority" and "The Officers of the ACM". Special Guest DJ, Matt Garley, of the Judas Burrito Show, was also a frequent voice heard on the show. Other special features included the continuing saga of NIM (the world's leading late-night radio soap opera), the 1 a.m. Christmas song, and our featured band (Aleixa). The Not In Mexico show ended with a bang. All of the previous guests were invited back for one last extravaganza. Many Aleixa songs were played. Many NIM episodes were played. And many Not In Mexico memories were shared on the air. Also, much food was consumed. A fitting end for a fitting show.

And now, it's two o'clock in the morning. Go to bed.


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Last Updated : 4/19/02