Research Projects

Research Areas

The Laboratory is engaged in a number of research projects. Members of the Laboratory are investigating optimization of deductive databases queries so that they can be processed more efficiently. They are also investigating scheme for parallel execution of queries on multiprocessors so that the minimum amount of communication is required during their evaluation. The Laboratory is also interested in integration of deductive and object-oriented databases. All these projects raise a number of very interesting and challanging theoretical and pratical issues.

Members of the Laboratory are also conducting research in building high performance parallel logic programming systems (parallel Prolog systems) that can take full advantage of multiprocessor architectures. Currently, implementation is under way on a 20 processor Sequent Symmetry.

Researchers in the Laboratory are also working on a project that uses advanced logic programming techniques for constructing state-of-the-art parallelizing Fortran compilers.

The research conducted by the members of the Laboratory has been published in internationally reputed journals such as Journal of the ACM, ACM Transaction on Database Systems, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, and The Journal of Logic Programming.

The Laboratory actively collaborates with other research groups around the world. In particular, it ha strong collaborative ties with groups in Bristol (England), Madrid (Spain), Monterrey (Mexico), Montreal (Canada), Oporto (Portugal), Pisa (Italy), and Stockholm (Sweden). Recently, the Laboratory has hosted a workshop on Parallel Logic Programming attended by researcher from many of the collaborating institutions.

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