Introduction to the use of projects |
This is a Phase II expansion grant from the National Science Foundation (2008-2011). The goal is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate curricular modules (projects) based on primary historical sources. Projects are available for the following courses: Abstract Algebra, Algorithms, Automata and Formal Languages, Calculus, Combinatorics, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Introduction to Computer Science, Mathematical Logic, Programming Languages, Theory of Computation. This is a collaborative work between Mathematics (Math) and Computer Science (CS) faculty at New Mexico State University (NMSU), Old Dominion University (ODU), and Colorado State University at Pueblo (CSU-P). The web page for our previous Phase I NSF pilot grant, explaining our pedagogical goals, along with a list of available projects from that grant is at https://sites.google.com/view/davidpengelley/hist_projects . See the pages Transforming Instruction in Undergraduate Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources (TRIUMPHS) for continuing work commencing in 2015 to develop primary source projects (PSPs) and mini-PSPs for the content of all regular courses for mathematics majors, pre-service teachers, and other STEM discipline majors. April 2012 Workshop Workshop on Authorship of Student Projects Based on Primary Historical Sources for Courses in Mathematics or Computer Science took place on April 16-17, 2012, at NMSU. Workshop flyer. Workshop program. Sponsors Random historical quote |