CS137 Pascal Programming
Spring 1997

This semester we will be using the new Macintosh cluster in the J Mac Adams Lab. SH118. This cluster contains four Mac 8500 computers and 8 MAc 6300s. We will be using Think Pascal for programming, and Claris Works for document preparation. You will be given full instruction on using the Macs and the software that you need. The computers are available any time the lab is open (basically 18 hours daily).

This page contains links to all the information relevent to the class that has either been handed out in class, or mailed directly to you via e-mail. There are also some relevent links that you may wish to follow up now or later.

Just click on a link to view the document. You may just read the text, or print it as you wish.

You can also view the materials for previous semesters by following the links below.