CS117 Programming Methodology 

CS117 is a required co-requisite to the language courses CS137 (Pascal), CS157(Fortran), CS167(C), CS177(C++), CS187(Java), and any other such courses that might be offered. What this means is that any student who wishes to take any of the language course offered by the computer science department will have to take programming methodology at least once. 

The intent is to be more responsive to the needs of beginning programmers in other departments, and to improve the quality of these programmers at the same time. This will be done by taking the student through a sequence of introductory topics in programming methodology. Click on these to see the current assignments in each area.

  1. Code reading 
  2. Hand simulation 
  3. Program design 
  4. Testing 
  5. Debugging 

More detail is available on the curriculum and the way the course will run

You can also see the overhead slides for the lectures:

  1. Overview
  2. Syntax
  3. Top-down design
  4. Object-oriented design
  5. Hand simulation
  6. Testing
  7. Debugging

The class notes are available from the main CS office (SH123), for $5.00 but you can also view them here (they are in PDF form):

  1. Title and Table of Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Code reading
  4. Hand simulation
  5. Design
  6. Testing
  7. Debugging
  8. Examples in C, C++, Fortran, or Java.