When will Solace be used in a game?

I don't know. The purpose of Solace isn't for a first-person shooter (or any sort of action game), but for an MMORPG project I've been working on since well before the term MMORPG was even invented. It's been a long time in the making. :)

Where's the source code?

In my CVS repository.

Can I have access to the repository?


Why aren't you open-sourcing it?

When did I say I wasn't?

When are you open-sourcing it?

When did I say I was?

Okay, so... are you open sourcing it, and if not, why?

Honestly, I don't know what my plans are for this engine. I've spent a lot of time and energy on it, and I need to think about what I want from it before I just slap the GPL on it. Like, it'd be nice to actually earn some money from it (as evil as that sounds, I know), and in the meantime I don't want other people detracting from my vision for it or forking it or whatever.

What sort of performance does it get?

At the moment (mid-November 2002), it performs pretty well. Of course, it depends on the complexity of the scene, the quality settings (it's totally scalable), the display hardware, and your definition of "pretty well." Most gamers think that "pretty well" means "100fps," when the intent for Solace is more qualitative, rather than quantitative, performance. Consistency is more important than raw speed, though in terms of raw speed (measured in terms of polygons handled per second) it's still pretty good.

On the test1 scene at default quality with shadows disabled, it gets about 30FPS on an Athlon 1133 with a Radeon 7000. This might seem low for a scene with only a few objects, but you have to consider that as displayed, the scene has about 35,000 polygons on-screen at a time and completely dynamic lighting (whereas, for example, Quake 3 has only a few thousand polygons on-screen and uses precomputed lightmaps). It can't be compared to an FPS engine because that's not what it's being designed for.

If you have one of the supported platforms, feel free to download the latest rendering test and see it in action for yourself. But please RTFM before you complain about a problem with it; chances are it's a driver bug, and I probably have a configuration fix for well-known issues.

Why do the objects jiggle?

It's a side-effect of the way that framerate limiting works. Try turning it off (press 'r'), or lower the target framerate (press '-' a few times).

Why do I keep on getting messages like GLError 0x502 at intRenderMesh filling up the console?

I said to RTFM, but basically, there's a bug in your OpenGL driver (seriously; I always test my code against a reference OpenGL implementation to make sure). Try applying one of the provided sample registry files to your SOLACE registry (e.g. cat SAMPLE.nvidia >> ~/.Solace/registry) and see if that helps.

Why is there only a file called registry in the ~/.Solace directory? What's the point in making a new directory if there's only going to be one file in it?

Because there's (eventually) not going to be only one file in it. Duh. Think "downloaded/generated resource cache."

What do you use for editing objects?

Eventually I'll get around to writing a modeller (or getting someone else to do it), but in the meantime I just use gcc and my imagination.

What do you use for editing scenes?

xemacs, vim, or the live editing console (which is usually enabled in the public builds of testRender). And my imagination.

What do you use for editing textures?

GIMP, and the (included) pnmtostx convertor. And also, gcc. And my imagination.

Why don't any objects move?

Because that is the purpose of the physics/animation engine, not the renderer. testRender is only a test of the renderer. The physics/animation engine, on the other hand, is the (current) topic of my PhD research.