Workshop on Big Data Applications, Challenges, and Techniques

With the support of two NSF awards (IIS-1633330 and HRD-1345232), we are hosting the workshop on Big Data applications, challenges, and techniques, and the challenges and techniques for harnessing the data revolution.
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Nov. 22, 2019, Friday
Venue: Senate Gallery, Corbett Center, NMSU main campus, Las Cruces, NM
Organizers: Huiping Cao, K. Selcuk Candan, Ming Zhao, Maria Luisa Sapino, Enrico Pontelli, Son Tran.


Session 1: big data techniques

Session 2: applications in electric grids, astronomy, and environmental sciences (lightning talks)

Session 3: big data techniques for biological and material sciences

Session 4: big data techniques for sociology