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The Addition Relation

Now the definition of addition:
add(X,Y,Z) :- inc(X,X1),dec(Y,Y1),add(X1,Y1,Z).

In other words, the sum of a number and zero is itself; the sum of X and Y is Z if the increment of X is X1, the decrement of Y is Y1 and the sum of X1 and Y1 is also Z. The strategy is to decrement Y until it reaches zero (only positive numbers of course!), while incrementing X. The first is a fact, the second is a rule.

A simple query is:

?- add(n3,n2,n5).

This goal is replaced by the three subgoals on the right hand side of the rule:


the first subgoal is satisfied by X1=n4, and the second by Y1=n1; this leaves:


Again the rule is used:


This time X1=5, and Y1=0, so we are left with:


This time the goal matches with the fact and the recursion stops. The goal suceeds.