Paper Submissions

Authors willing to present their work are invited to submit an extended abstract, or preferably a full paper, to the workshop organizers by August 20, 1999.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers by September 30, 1999.

Papers must not exceed 15 pages (approximately 5000 words). The title page should include the name, address, telephone number, and electronic mailing address for each author, as well as a 200 words abstract and a list of keywords.
A contact author should also be provided. Please specify whether the submitted paper is also under consideration (or accepted) for presentation in other meetings.

Electronic submission of the LaTeX document and related postscript figures is strongly encouraged. The electronic submissions should be in LaTeX or PostScript format. LaTeX style files are available via WWW  HERE.
We encourage the use of these formats.

At least one of the authors for each accepted paper is expected to attend the meeting and present the work. The collection of accepted papers will be made available at the workshop and published as a Technical Report. The papers will also be available electronically after the workshop at this WWW address. Depending on the number and quality of the submissions, attempts will be made to develop the workshop proceedings into some form of official publication.

Authors are invited to submit their papers electronically in (compressed, uuencoded) Postscript format to the following e-mail address:

epontell at

Important Dates: